Bartomeu defends changes in the organisation chart and admits negotiations with Puyol
Published:6/09/2019 - 23:39h
Updated:6/09/2019 - 23:39h
FC Barcelona faced important changes in the last months, but Josep Maria Bartomeu defended that they were made looking for the best for the club. The president talked about the style and admitted negotiations with Carles Puyol
Josep Maria Bartomeu has analysed in an interview the actuality of the FC Barcelona, and has thought on several key subjects. The maximum Barcelona mandator has referred to subjects like Leo Messi, the case Neymar, the Espai Barça or the recent path of the Masia, a question that has brought tail in the last months. According to his speech, the aim is to park the doubts that in the last years had surrounded to the quarry.
"The philosophy of the Barça always has been a mix of quarry, that is fundamental, and signings, and therefore we invest in the Masia around 20 million euros, are those that more invest in Europe in this plot. And this year I am happy because there are players that begin to aomar the nose in the first team, Abel Ruiz, Ansu Fati, Riqui Puig, Illaix, that still does not have lllegado...", it has explained.
In this sense, the Catalan also has detailed the reason of the last adjust in the organisation chart of the club, that have centred in correcting dangerous tendencies in some inferior categories that had remained unprotected in front of the offensives of other teams: "After two years decide to do changes in the sportive structure. Work in the Barça is very estresante and the Masia and the basic football needed a shake".
"The directive was not very satisfied with the operation and with that they did not arrive players to the first team. But especially, what have done, and say it I that am an admirer of Paco Seirul·the, is to give more strength to the Area of Metedología, from prebenjamines until the first team. Always it says that it wants to leave it, but we need him", it has cleared, insisting in that the will is that the legacy futbolístico continue.
"The people has to have very clear that the concept of how plays the Barça is indestructible and does not limit in the time, neither never", has stood out, and has recognised that splits of the recent bet to recover to ex players has to see with these requirements. When having lived at first hand the educations on the terrain of game, the footballers handle with more soltura in other facets.
"With Carles Puyol are speaking so that it go back to the club, is not any secret. Has a lot that say and has very clear the concept of the football, the organisational subject, has been was preparing more and ojalá arrive to an agreement. But there is not haste. As others that have gone back, Víctor Valdés or Patrick Kluivert... But it is not an emergency, although yes it is necessary that the figure of the mánager general of the Barça was covered", has commented, leaving fall that the arrival of the ex captain would not be the last.
Bartomeu recognises that it likes him involve in the signings
Shortly after a market of signings very moved, Bartomeu has recognised that it likes him involve in the traspasos, and that treats to participate whenever it can be useful: "Attempt be active whenever it ask it to me the technical team. In a moment of the negotiation say me that Of Jong is ready if it has not signed already with another team. They say me that it will mark a period in the Barça, that is fundamental for the sportive project. We took an aeroplane, did not go only, and us fuímos to Ámsterdam to explain the project to Of Jong. It likes me a lot this part of the club (sportive decisions), seat me very near and have participated in negotiations as much as have been able to".