Bartomeu, in an image of archive


Bartomeu dismisses two heavyweights from the Board of Directors

Published:8/04/2020 - 07:22h

Updated:8/04/2020 - 07:59h

Josep Maria Bartomeu has made an important decision regarding its Board of Directors and has decided to do without two heavyweights such as Emili Rousaud, the candidate called to succeed him, and Enrique Tombas, Vice President

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The coronavirus is not the only crisis that avecina in Can Barça, already seems that Josep Maria Bartomeu has decided to create one out of nowhere. As it informs 'Sportive World', the president of the group barcelonista has decided to do important changes in his Managerial Board and do without several heavy weights. The maximum mandator of the team culé is not happy with some of his mates and would have decided to take measures.

The two big names that will leave of the Barça according to the mentioned sportive newspaper are Emili Rousaud and Enrique Tombas, that up to now were two of the members with more weight of the Board. Rousaud Was, in fact, the man called to suceder to Bartomeu like leader of the candidature continuista of face to the elections of 2021. Tombas, by his part, is the vice-president of his Board, or at least will be it until oficialicen these changes. In addition to these dismissals, expect more courses and even the arrival of new directors.

The president barcelonista already has communicated him to both his decision in a telephone conversation that would have had with several members of the Board. The Catalan gave them two hours so that they left his charges with one accord or in contrary case he same them relegaría of his functions and would announce his cessations. In this second case, both would be still in the Board, but without having his charges neither have any power of decision.

Bartomeu has taken these decisions thinking in his future in the short term, since it wants in his Board to people that do not see further of this next campaign 2020/2021. In the case of Rousaud and of Tombas, both were thinking on a long-term basis, since the two pretended to be still in the managerial team in the elections of 2021. The current Barcelona mandator does not want to this and the only that wishes is to finish his mandate the lower possible.

The alejamiento between the two directors and Bartomeu began to produce with the wrap of the called 'Barçagate'. It accused to the responsible maximum of the Barcelona and to his Board to having hired a company to create currents of favourable opinion to the directive and against of players, ex players and people that could go against of the same. The wrap lasted weeks and so much Rousaud like Tombas asked him to his president that resigned and summoned elections.

The successors of Takings in the Barça

From this moment, the leader of the Board began to think that the best for his very was to do without the people that did not think in the year that remains him in the charge. The idea of Bartomeu is that Jordi Moix commission of the work of Tomas, that up to now was the manager of the economic area of the club. On the other hand, David Bellver will be the new treasurer, another function that also was of the seems already ex vice-president.