Héctor Bellerín, celebrating a marked goal with the Arsenal


Bellerín desvela The big difference between Barça and Arsenal

Published:7/02/2018 - 16:40h

Updated:7/02/2018 - 16:41h

The Catalan side of the Arsenal, Héctor Bellerín, spoke recently during a meeting in the Oxford Union, and desveló one of the big differences regarding the entrenos between FC Barcelona and Arsenal. In the Barça prevails the balloon

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The lateral youngster Catalan that formed futbolísticamente in The Masia and that abandoned the FC Barcelona in 2011 for fichar by the Arsenal, Héctor Bellerín, now is one of the fixed to the orders of Arsène Wenger and has kept a meeting in the Oxford Union in which they have asked after him one of his big fans, the fashion, and the criticisms that receives for that.

"A lot of people me tuitea and says me that it centre me in the football, that see me in places like fashionable parades. My attitude is more as you do not concern you. I am a human being, have fans. Equally I am footballer and that is my main aim", has admitted the one of Calella, to the one who has been able to see in more than an occasion luciendo 'looks' what less extravagant.

In another part of the interview, Bellerín has explained also the big difference between the trainings of Arsenal and FC Barcelona, putting an example. "It is like the night to the day the difference that there is between the Barcelona and the Arsenal. In Barcelona was between the 8 and 16 years, when I arrived to the Arsenal already was a furbolista professional. In Barcelona always were giving rondos, in the Arsenal, in my first day, there were not balloons".

In this sense, is clear that in the Premier League values more the physical state of the players that the technical qualities, taking into account that in LaLiga Spanish is used to to work more with the balloon, being the FC Barcelona the main catchword of this style of game.

The Barça fichó to Semedo and no to Bellerín

We remember that Bellerín sounded with a lot of strength at the beginning of this past summer for fichar by the FC Barcelona and reinforce like this the right side. At the end the chosen was Nelson Semedo in return of some 30 million euros, and for the moment the Portuguese player is fulfilling, whereas the one of Calella has been criticised in some occasions by low performance.