The arrival of Joao Cancel supposed a reinforcement of luxury for the right-handed band of the FC Barcelona. However, Xavi Hernández has taken advantage of the polivalencia of the luso to alternate him in different positions, being the left band where has settled in the two last parties. In this sense, the egarense has kept opened the debate on who has to be the fixed right side of the team, entrusting this work to Ronald Araújo and Jules Koundé in several opportunities.

In front of the Athletic, the Frenchman commissioned to cancel the intentonas 'rojiblancas' with a lot of solvency. Besides, it associated good well with Raphinha, giving to the Brazilian the possibility of desbordar with comfort by the right-handed lane. Previously, against the Port wine, Araújo had done the duties in a position in which it has contested his majority of parties this season. For now, it can seem a problem the not having a fixed player there, but neither does fault because the available options surrender to tope.

Xavi puts end to the debate on the right side

Consulted by the rotations in the right band after the triumph in front of the Athletic, Xavi was cutting when explaining that each one has to be had to play where the team need him. "The problem will be for his seleccionadores, so much Koundé like Araújo play of sides there. Here they play of head offices, although they can fall in a band", detailed the míster of Terrassa.

Act followed, sentenced: "there is not debate. I have had conversations with them. They adapt to the group. They play where say them . They are natural head offices that can adapt to the band". Like this the things, with Sergi Roberto and Marcos Alonso like options of emergency, the Barça has more than resolved the 'problem' of the right side, for the time being all a 'blessing'. Of the three headlines, to Koundé is to the one who less seems to like him the idea to play there, but the final decision is in hands of Xavi and all the staff knows it.