Aleksander Ceferin, president of the UEFA


Ceferin's brutal attack on Barça for the 'Negreira Case'

Published:3/04/2023 - 14:35h

Updated:3/04/2023 - 14:35h

Aleksander Ceferin Has referred to the 'Case Negreira' and has warned on the gravity of the subject. However, it recognises not knowing a lot of details and that will not go in in them until the term of the investigations

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona continues in the centre of the controversy after the indictments by the payments to a company of the exvicepresidente of the Technical Committee of Referees, José María Enríquez Negreira. The subject has trascended until judicial instances and even until the UEFA, that has loaded duramente against the Catalan entity.

Days backwards, the body rector of the balompié European had announced that would open an investigation in this regard, for which had requested all the pertinent information to LaLiga. Now, depending on what can determine these averiguaciones, the Barça could be exposing to a hard sanction by part of the UEFA.

The words of Ceferin

In an interview for the half esloveno 'Ekipa', the president of the UEFA, Aleksander Ceferin, has ensured that it treats of a subject of gravity, that would be infringiendo the rule of this organism: "The Barcelona? The situation is extremely grave. So grave is that, in my opinion, is one of the gravest in the football that I have seen".

However, it has recognised that it can not speak a lot in this regard while the investigations are still in process: "I can not comment directly on this by two reasons. In the first place, because tenemos an independent disciplinary committee attendant of this. And second, because I have not treated this subject in detail".

Risk of a sanction

Likewise, it has left clear that although LaLiga no longer can proceed, the UEFA himself that it can do it: "To level of the Spanish League, of course, the subject is prescribed. And it can not have competitive consequences, but the procedures are in course to level of the fiscalía civil Spanish. But regarding the UEFA, there is not at all that it was prescribed".