Cesc Fàbregas beside Neymar in the Monaco PSG


Cesc does not want to interfere in the decisions of Messi

Published:8/12/2020 - 10:30h

Updated:8/12/2020 - 10:30h

The ex player of the FC Barcelona, Cesc Fábregas, has ensured to the half "Tuttosport" that would like him see to Messi in the Monaco, but that does not wish to put in the taking of decisions of the Argentinian

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The future of Lionel Messi follows giving turns and turns, by what expects that it was a novel that resolve during next summer, when the rosarino culminate his last year of agreement with the Barcelona, if it does not decide to renew. Under this condition, the Argentinian already has sounded with strength to disembark in the Manchester City, in the Paris Saint-Germain and, more recently, in the Series To of Italy, precisely in the Inter of Milan.

All the rumours that plant to Messi out of the Barcelona have a factor in common: the intervention of a third, gathered in his moment to the rosarino, the one who would look for to approach to the same to one of the clubs appointed previously. For the City, is Pep Guardiola; for the PSG, is Neymar, the one who longs for to go back to share the terrain of game with his fellow and for the Inter, Cristiano Ronaldo, with the one who Read would want to go back to compete, according to the half "Ran dello Sport".

Another of the possible destinations drawn by a third for Messi has been the Monaco, influenciado by Cesc Fábregas, current player of the picture of the principality and intimate fellow of the Argentinian, thanks to the years that shared together in The Farm and in the first team of the Barcelona. The exfutbolista of the Arsenal has answered to "Tuttosport" on if it would try to approach to the 10 of the team culé the group of Tie it 1 of France.

"Messi to the Monaco? The Barcelona is his house, has been his team from small. They are elections very personal and do not go to interfere. Considering the situation, seems difficult to imagine it here. But certainly I am happy and am very well in Montecarlo", went the answer of the also exjugador of Chelsea of England.

Cesc already was related with an exit of Messi

The stay of Cesc Fábregas in the first team of the Barcelona was shorter of the expected, since the mediocampista Catalan went back to the club of his loves in 2011 and went out only three years afterwards, in 2014, with direction to Chelsea of England. In this moment, especuló also with a possible course of Messi, looking for follow in its footsteps his fellow and excompañero.

The years that shared Fábregas and Messi did that both developed a big relation, arriving even to share the majority of the together familiar holidays. Now, although Cesc has ensured that it does not want to take part with the decisions of Leo, is more than likely that the current player of the Monaco wanted to see to the Argentinian star with the T-shirt of the team the principality.