Claudio Bravo

It would like him play all the parties

Claudio Bravo recognises that it does not get along not playing the Champions

Published:27/02/2016 - 13:03h

Updated:3/03/2016 - 13:57h

The Chilean goalkeeper of the FC Barcelona, Claudio Bravo, has admitted in an interview that dislikes him the idea of not being able to play in Champions League neither in Glass of Rey, although it centres in the good of the team and in that they arrive the maximum possible titles to the Barcelona entity

Calendar of FC Barcelona
It is not any secret that to any goalkeeper of the FC Barcelona, was Claudio Bravo, Ter Stegen or Jordi Masip, would like him contest all the parties habidos and for having in all the official competitions that plays the team, from the League BBVA until the Champions League, going through the Glass of Rey, the Supercopas and the World-wide of Clubs. However, the bipartidismo Bravo-Ter Stegen that established Luis Enrique from the past season in the goal is giving results inmejorables, and is thus that this campaign the leadership follows being divided for both.

To any of the two finish him to satisfy of the all the situation, but accept it reluctantly when being conscious that it treats of the best, for the time being, so that the team was still working and the titles sucedan one after the other. Claudio Bravo, anyway, has conceded an interview to "BioBioChile TV" in which it has revealed that will follow "working to treat of revertir this situation" and have minutes in Champions and Glass, since of the contrary "would be individual" the fact to "think in me and have a bad predisposition regarding my preparation".

"You mentiría if it said you that I live it well because I always want to play, prepare me to play to the maximum all the possible parties, but does not go through an ours decision to level of players but by a technical decision. He is the one who takes these determinations and we are by the work to work the best possible and fulfil each decision and always thinking in the team. It would be individual to treat to think in me and have a bad predisposition regarding that my preparation change, because my aim is always think in the group and in the aim to obtain some title", has explained the experienced guardameta.

Nevertheless, it is happy with the performance showed and the results of the team. "Have the tranquility to go on doing the things well, that I prepare me well, that when it touches me play want to do it the best possible. No longer it goes through a decision of the game, but of the technician. I have to be calm and go on doing the same for, little by little, revertir this decision".

Now, it touches to keep the same and not going down the rhythm in any moment. "We take it like an incentive or one put. It leaves us the feeling to have to win yes or yes. It is the beautiful of the football and the preparation. We do not prepare us only for each party, but to win a League, a Glass of Rey or a Champions. The same happens me with the selection. It does not like me only play with the selection, but top it with some aim. This is the really beautiful of the football".

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