The FC Barcelona attained saldar by the minimum a hard commitment in front of the Real Sociedad (0-1). It was a duel in which, because of the context, that is to say, the rival and the difficulty of the game of the Barça, the result milagroso desató the euphoria of the Barcelona. In spite of being conscious that there are appearances for improving, also know that it is better to correct from the victory, especially if they do not want to lose terrain in front of the Girona FC and to the Real Madrid in the leadership of LaLiga.

At the end of the meeting, Xavi Hernández, as it is usual, positioned in the door of the changing room and, to measure that his players went ingresando, congratulated them warmly by the work made, already was with embraces or bumping his hands of friendly way. Nevertheless, there was a player with which, strangely, did not produce this fellowship.

There is controversy between Xavi Hernández and Robert Lewandowski?

When Robert Lewandowski directed to the changing rooms, did not greet to the technician, which has generated speculations and rumours on the relation between both parts. This supposed dispute, fed also by the fact that the technician of Terrassa substituted to the Pole in the 57', with the party still 0-0 and the need to have a goleador in thefield , has desestimado practically immediately when knowing the context of the situation.

In the material that spread by the social networks, can appreciate that the reason of this curious scene is due to that the ariete Polish, in spite of having seen to Xavi, does not reach to connect conveniently with him. This has to , partly, to that one of the managers of the logistics related with the anti-doping control of LaLiga communicated him that it had to subject to the proof, delivering him a leaf and asking him that did not go in to the changing room, but it accompanied it to make the control. Therefore, there was not possibility of a friendly greeting between both parts.