After an exultant party the past week in front of the Athletic of Madrid, Joao Félix went back to seed a lot of doubts on his regularity the Sunday against the Girona. The luso completed one of his more toneless performances of the season and, although it cut the bad series goleadora in front of the 'colchoneros', fed a statistics that retata his scarce offensive contribution in the Barcelona group.

In what it goes of League, the '14' has contested a total of 13 parties (872 minutes) in which it adds 2 goals and 2 assistances, with an average of a so much each 436 minutes. In Champions, the statistical improvement with 3 goals in 5 parties (318 minutes), at a rate of a so much each 106'. In Europe also adds an assistance registered in the debut in front of the feeble Royal Amberes, duel in which it converted a doublet. His another goal was in front of the Port wine, whereas in League premièred in Monjuïc 'wetting' against the Betis.

The production goleadora of Joao Félix in the Barça, worse that with the Athletic

The most striking of the remarkable bajón offensive of the of Viseu is that, in his three seasons and average as 'rojiblanco', never had numbers so poor like which is having in the Barça. In total, Félix contested 96 parties of League with the Athletic between 2019 and 2023, adding 25 goals and an average of a so much each 209 minutes. His best season was the 20/21, where contributed 7 goals and 6 assistances in 31 parties to help to the team to raise the title.

By his part, in Chelsea neither had worse average goleador that in his first months like culé. Joao Had a step for the forget by London, but still like this registered a so much each 236 with the 'blues' in 16 parties of the Premier League (did 4 goals). In this way, the data portray to the '14', a personal bet of Joan Laporta that, for the moment, has not had the impact wished in the ones of Xavi Hernández, further of his innegable disposal to leave it everything in the field.