'Debate' at Barça Atlètic with Pau Cubarsí
In recent days, there has been a debate about the possibility of Pau Cubarsí playing in the final of the Second Division play-offs against Córdoba.
The Barça Atlètic is to the doors to contest the final of the playoffs in research of a place in the Second Division in the next season. They imposed in front of the Ibiza in the semifinals, with a traced back and goleada categorical led by Unai Hernández and now will look for the promotion in front of Córdoba. The challenge is capital, but the Barcelona arrive in very good conditions.
The only 'disadvantage' that have the Barcelona is that they will contest the party of gone home, the Sunday 16, and the turn will contest in Córdoba. The factor field always is decisive in the second crash of the eliminatory and can have a lot of weight. Thus, the Barça Atlètic will have to look for 'direct' the eliminatory in and lJohan Cruyff and cost of the 'impulse' of the public in the terracings to achieve the most positive result possible.
Pau Cubarsí, option for the final?
Rafa Márquez will have to bet by his best XI available and have been a lot of the 'debates' that have seeded in the social networks on the possibility that the trainer mexicamo can have Pau Cubarsí for the dispute of the final. After being descartado by Luis de la Fuente for the Eurocopa of this summer and waiting for that it was summoned or no for the Olympic games of Paris, the central of 17 years is enjoying of his holidays.
They are many the voices that coincide in that the Barcelona subsidiary would have to 'fish him' while it is out of action with the first team and Márquez stood out, in press conference, that will depend of the club: "it is not something that depend on me, but of the club. If it is, well, and if no, also". To fault of six days for the gone of the final, have not communicated at all to the born footballer in Girona, by what seems complicated that it can add to prepare the party.
Mika Faye Will go back to look for his fixed place in the Barça
Besides, in the Barça Atlètic put in value the fact that for the final already will retell with Mika Faye, the one who already has finished his commitments with the selection of Senegal and will go back to Barcelona for 'enchufarse' and prepare the final against the Córdoba. It lost the semifinals, but everything seems to indicate to that it will be leader of the defensive saga. If it is like this, Cubarsí would not be one 'priority' to reinforce to the team of Márquez.