Anderson Luis Of Souza, more known like Deco, the one who at present exerts like sportive director of the FC Barcelona, did not doubt in showing particularly critic with a subject that has generated a big debate in the City Condal: the leaks related with the decisions taken by the Barcelona directive regarding incorporations and drops of face to the campaign 2024/2025.

The 'stick' of Deco by the leaks of the decisions of market of the FC Barcelona

In this sense, the Portuguese had the opportunity to tackle this subject in his more recent apparition in front of the cameras of 'Movistar+'. There it was cutting regarding those who are commissioned to elaborate the sportive planning of the team and the voices authorised to communicate any type of decision, criticising besides all the rumorología that generates around the club. "They are few the people that are responsible in the area of football. I am I, the president, Joan Laporta, the trainer... If it does not go out these, do not know of where go out the things. We are accustomed", argued.

In this order of ideas, Deco also was emphatic regarding that all the deliberations that generate around any incorporation or drop do not have to be spread publicly. "What go to do... The debate has to be internal, can not be arguing of what go to do. The future thinks home, no in the press neither the newspapers", concluded.

It is necessary to stand out that these statements of Deco arise in a moment in which there are a lot of rumours around the FC Barcelona, being the strongest of them the one who affirms that the club culé is looking for an exit for Vitor Roque through a traspaso in this market of summer. Likewise, there are other informations related with possible incorporations, like the arrival of Guido Rodríguez and Xavi Simons to the combined Catalan. All these subjects pretend to do of the summer in the City Condal something quite moved.