Deco, director deportivo del Barça, en una imagen de archivo


Deco reveals what the biggest challenge is when signing a player for Barça

Published:27/02/2024 - 14:32h

Updated:28/02/2024 - 03:13h

Deco, current sporting director of FC Barcelona and with experience as a player representative, had the opportunity to explain various aspects associated with the experience of signing players. He highlighted the use of technology for this purpose and the challenge involved in carrying out these signings

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Anderson Luis of Souza, Deco, went the speaker designated by the FC Barcelona to appear in the second day of the Mobile World Congress of Barcelona. Said convention has characterised for being the most important congress in technological matter of the world, and in this opportunity has opened his doors in the Fira of the City Condal, which expects that have some 95.000 assistants and that will develop until the Thursday 29 February.

The address of the Portuguese took place in the frame of the section 'Sports Tomorrow Congress' and had by aim treat subjects around the future of the market of traspasos of players. In this sense, the luso began speaking of how these works have evolved and now the task to find to young footballers has simplified in comparison to previous years. "Before we needed 'scouters', now all has changed a lot. Now it is impossible that a young player was not known. In any place of the world, is easier to find the talent. Our work is to attract the talent and adapt it", commented.

The technology and his use to the hour to make a signing

To his time, taking advantage of the context where the technological advances are the element protagónico, the sportive director of the club culé left clear the role that, in his opinion, exerts the technology to find new players in these times. "The data can help you more in the individual sport. In a collective sport, the key is to understand which type of player need according to your team", limited.

Nevertheless, Deco also allowed do upsetting in the fact that the technological advances, in spite of being a great help to locate promising players, also sustained that it does not become the main element in a process of negotiation. "The technology serves to know the assessment of the players, but the one who decides it for real is the market", sentenced.

The main challenge to the fichar to a player for the FC Barcelona

To close, the Portuguese exposed the challenge that, based in his criterion, supposes fichar a player for a cast of the category of the FC Barcelona. "The big difficulty is to know how the players will adapt to the pressure. In the Barça there is a big pressure, always is litigating by the titles. Have all the data, physicists or statisticians, but the big challenge that have is to know how is a footballer mentally", concluded.

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