Denis Suárez, during a train with the Barça in an image of archive


Denis Suárez sacks of the FC Barcelona with a moving letter

Published:2/07/2019 - 20:54h

Updated:2/07/2019 - 20:54h

Denis Suárez has left traspasado to the Celtic of Vigo, but has wanted to have a beautiful detail with the FC Barcelona and with the fans culé. The Galician player has sacked by means of a moving letter published in his account of Instagram

Calendar of FC Barcelona

After three seasons in which it has not finish to explode in the first team of the FC Barcelona, Denis Suárez has been traspasado to the Celtic of Vigo and there will try to win the titularity to go back to reencontrarse with the best feelings like footballer of elite. The Galician midfield player has lived a stage culé in which it has had of little prominence, but that has helped him to progress to all the levels.

Denis Suárez is appreciated by his go through the FC Barcelona, and like this has transmitted it through his account of Instagram. The new player of the Celtic of Vigo has published a moving letter with which has sacked of all the barcelonismo, included the fans, thanking for the support received and ensuring that Barcelona will be always his second house.

"Backwards I leave the FC Barcelona, my second house. It has not been simple to take the decision to close my stage in the best club of the world, but felt that it had arrived the moment to change of airs and show to all the football that carry inside. They subtracted me two years more than agreement, but after all the life is of which risk, no?", it begins the letter of the Galician footballer.

It has wanted to have a memory for the changing room and his ancient mates, standing out to Leo Messi like the best player of the world. "I have lived good moments and also regular, but have learnt so much that only I can be grateful. Play with the best and beside the best of the WORLD has been all an education and a privilege. THANK YOU VERY MUCH".

Denis Suárez has agreed of Andoni Zubizarreta, that was the one who carried him to the Barça. "Of course, thanks to all my trainers, to the president and all the directors but, especially, to the anonymous workers that do that Can Barça was a perfect machinery. Of the first to the last, are some cracks. I do not want to me forget of Zubizarreta although it no longer was in the club. He was the one who believed in me. Thank you Eternal, Zubi".

En última instancia, Denis Suárez has wanted to sack of the fans culé, that always has given him support: "I Leave for the end to the fans although all know that you are the first. What say you, if I am one of you is because like this you have done me feel all these years, from The Farm until the Camp Nou. Força Barça Sempre!!".

From now, to Denis Suárez only will remain him deploy his best game in the Celtic of Vigo, where will have of a lot of more minutes that in the FC Barcelona. "Now it is time to dream in Celeste and fulfil my dreams of boy. I know that to my side will be Balaídos and all the fans; my parents, my sister and all my Galician family; my couple and his unconditional support; my representatives and all the people that so well watches professionally by me... At all it can go out badly. We go to by all!!!".

The letter of Denis Suárez in Instagram:

See this publication in Instagram

Thank you Barça, carry you in the heart❤️ @fcbarcelona

A publication shared of Denis Suarez (@denissuarezfernandez) the2 Jul, 2019 to the 2:11 PDT

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