The different solutions that Barça handles to improve its salary limit
Published:14/03/2022 - 20:24h
Updated:15/03/2022 - 08:13h
The economic situation of FC Barcelona continues to give Joan Laporta headaches. However, from the club they handle various alternatives to redirect the financial problem marked by LaLiga
The 'drama' financial that lives the FC Barcelona seems not having end. LaLiga Has given to know the limits salariales of the clubs of First and Second Division, and are the culés the only that suffer a negative limit. The Barcelona group has happened to have a limit salarial of 97.942 million euros to one negative of less 144.353 millions after the market of wintry signings. A really worrisome situation for the club and for his president, Joan Laporta, of face to the market veraniego.
In the past window estival the tope was enciphered in the already mentioned 97,942 'kilos' positive and neither like this could keep to Leo Messi. It is thus that from the dispatches of the Camp Nou, to the margin of possible sales and exits of players that would carry him to a saving salarial and money by traspasos, are more urgidos that never of reconducir the economy of the club. This would attain with some of the 'helps' to which did reference Laporta in the interview conceded to 'Barça TV' with reason of the first anniversary of his triumph in the elections. In this sense, the agreement with the bottom of main risk CVC.
Now, according to informations of the newspaper 'Expansion', the FC Barcelona is ultimando an agreement by a maximum of 50 years by value of 300 million euros that would allow to fulfil the budget of this season. Of this money, according to the parameters of LaLiga Impulse between CVC and the rest of clubs, only 15% could be allocated to signings and to inscribe players that fit inside the limit salarial that marks the patronal of clubs.
However, the Barça works with the idea that this percentage increase until 30% being able to invest 70 in signings to the not to compute like debt but like extraordinary entry by part of CVC earning in advance 10% of the corresponding audiovisual rights to the club in the next 50 years.
Barça Studios and Barça Licensing and Merchandising, other alternatives
The sale of 49% at most of Barça Studios is another of the active with which explains Joan Laporta to be able to take advantage of and generate an immediate entry in the arks of the club, that presupuestó 50 millions for this same season by this concept. The board has two offers, one of them by 350 millions with option of repurchase for the Barça and another by 30% but without said clause for the club.
Finally, it is the folder of the Barça Licensing and Merchandising (BLM), the network of shops for the commercialisation of the clothes and the licences of products. On this subject, the president ensured: "they Are two businesses that can share with a partner that contribute main and that can do us stronger. Taking into account whenever it has to have an exit to be able to recover it more advance these rights that yield. Therefore they are operations that are not of today for morning, is not to find a partner and that put money but there are other appearances to have in consideration like recovering these rights yielded with an option of repurchase", finalised.