Barça dominance! The 46 European Cups of FC Barcelona
FC Barcelona has been one of the great dominators of European sport through its sections. With the achievement of the second Women's Champions League, there are now 46 European Cups for the blaugrana in their history
There is celebration in the FC Barcelona after the traced back of the feminine team in the final of the UEFA Women's Champions League, celebrated this Saturday in Eindhoven. The Barcelona began with a marker against of 0-2, but gave him gone back in the second half to add his second crown and 'avenge' after falling the year happened in Turín against the Lyon French. The doublet of Patri Pebble and the goal of Rolfo have been sufficient so that the Glass go back to the City Condal.
It has been the last feat of the feminine team, that has signed an exceptional season and also supposes an extra joy for the Barcelona to institutional level. For the Catalan picture supposes the 46ª Glass of Europe in the history of the club, between the numerous sections with which explain. It has been an overwhelming command of the Catalans, that have known to impose to the difficulties at all times. The party in Low Countries, with the traced back heróica, has been the last proof of this.
The club of the 46 glasses
The true is that, as it remembers 'Sportive World' this Saturday, supposes the glass number 46 to European level of the blaugrana. The section of hockey skate has been the most rewarded along his history, with 22 trophies. It follows him the one of Handball, that has topped in Europe in eleven opportunities, by the five Champions League of the masculine team of football and two of the feminine.
This season could achieve a more, for the section of handball that will contest the final four of Colony this Saturday, against the Magdeburgo. In case to surpass them, would confront in front of the PSG or Kielce. Everything is on the table with the possibility that the FC Barcelona close the exercise with 47 Glasses of Europe in his have, between all his sections.
The conteo of the FC Barcelona
To continuation, review all the Glasses of Europe that have won the blaugrana along his history:
- Masculine football (5): 1991-92, 2005-06, 2008-09, 2010-11, 2014-15.
- Feminine football (2): 2020-21, 2022-23.
- Basket (2): 2002-03, 2009-10.
- Handball (11): 1990-91, 1995-96, 1996-97, 1997-98, 1998-99, 1999-00, 2004-05, 2010-11, 2014-15, 2020-21, 2021-22.
- Hockey on skate (22): 1972-73, 1973-74, 1977-78, 1978-79, 1979-80, 1980-81, 1981-82, 1982-83, 1983-84, 1984-85, 1996-97, 1999-00, 2000-01, 2001-02, 2003-04, 2004-05, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2009-10, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2017-18.
- Five-a-side football (4): 2011-12, 2013-14, 2019-20, 2021-22.