The FC Barcelona and the Betis closed in this market of signings of winter the signing of Emerson Appeared Leite in copropiedad. The footballer arrived pertinent of the Athletic Mineiro and will be in the Betis until June of 2021. Later, in principle it will arrive to the Barça, that also possesses his rights.

The right side Brazilian already has arrived to Seville and has completed his first training with the Betis. The paulista landed in the morning of the Friday to the Andalusian capital, where was received by the sportive vice-president, Lorenzo Serra Ferrer. Later it left to the sportive city verdiblanca to know to his new mates and complete his first training with the Betis.

The price that Barça and Betis have paid by this promising carrilero right-handed is of twelve million euros. The club sevillano and the Catalan have paid 50% of the signing each one, but if the Barça decides to remain to Emerson after the 2021, will have to pay him to the Betis a figure still for defining.

The Barça tosame hour has covered the place of right side quite well with Sergi Roberto and with Nélson Semedo. The Catalan has adapted well to the side, in spite of not being his place, and is a quite reliable player. The Portuguese is going to more and is winning to pulse be the right side headline of the FC Barcelona.

With Wagué and Emerson in the recámara

The FC Barcelona fichó in summer to Moussa Wagué for his subsidiary. The Senegalese was a signing of future and still trusts that it can arrive to the first team some day. It is a carrilero with clear offensive vocation, very fast and quite impulsive. Has a lot of things that pulir still, but has very good paints.

With Emerson, the Barça ensures to another young promise that could occupy some day the side of the first team. Although Sergi Roberto has adapted well to the band, his place to half term is the centre of the field. Emerson or Wagué would have to be the men that substituted to the Catalan in a pair of seasons.