Fortunately, for the moment any footballer neither direct worker of the FC Barcelona, was of the rest of sportive areas of the club or form part of the directive or the technical office, has infected by the coronavirus. Yes it has done it, however, one of the most prestigious observers of the club and attendant to control the market sudamericano, the 'scouter' André Cury.
The Brazilian employee finds confined in his domicile with fever and general unrest, although without need of hospitalisation since it does not have serious difficulties to breathe. From it does years, André Cury has commissioned to make works of 'scouting' for the Barça in Brazil, his natal country, and at present carries more than a week confined in his house of Sao Paulo beside his wife, that also has infected .
Both present slight symptoms, and only have to take an antitérmico when it goes up them the fever. André Cury could have infected during a trip to Carry Cheerful, south city of the country, where also has given positive the president of the Inter of Carry Cheerful, Marcelo Medeiros, the one who gave to know his positive of COVID-19 by means of his social networks days backwards.
"Following the protocols indicated by the organs of health, will be still in isolation during the next 14 days. All the preventive measures already were adopted with familiar, friends and other members of the club", wrote Medeiros in his account of Twitter.
The situation in Brazil still is not so grave as in Spain
The one of André Cury is the first contagion that knows in the FC Barcelona, but could not being the last taking into account the fast that is expanding the illness all over the world. In Brazil still finds in an initial phase, and it will be necessary to see if it arrives to the dramatic levels that are living in Spain from does some days.
For now, in Brazilian earths the coronavirus has extended , according to data of his Ministry, to 26 of the 27 states of the country after the confirmation this Saturday of the two first cases in the state amazónico of Maranhao. From the Brazilian government, to the equal that in the rest of countries infected, probably take drastic measures to reduce the impact of the virus during the next days.