Ernesto Valverde already works in the City Esportiva. The new trainer of the first team of the FC Barcelona has started this Tuesday the tuned of the Barça 2017/18 accompanied by his staff, with the one who has photographed on the lawn of the field of training.
As we explain it does weeks, his staff is formed by the second trainer Jon Aspiazu, the auxiliary technician Joan Barbarà, the trainer of goalkeepers José Ramón de la Fuente and the three preparadores physical José Antonio Pozanco, Edu Pons and Antonio Gómez.
The Barça 2017/18 will start of official form this Wednesday, when will carry out the usual medical proofs and the first training. And the first week will be as almost all, with double sessions and all the necessary proofs to confirm that everything is correct. Like this it is the diary.
It is necessary to remember that Ernesto Valverde already knew his space of work in the Sportive City the past 12 June, when it was accompanied by the president of the Club Josep Maria Bartomeu, the technical secretary Robert Fernández and the member of the technical office Urbano Ortega and the director of professional sports, Albert Soler, as well as by the delegate of the first team, Carles Naval, which did him a route by all the installations.
A first taking of contact
Before it arrive the hour of the truth -this same Wednesday-, Valverde and his staff have wanted to dress of short and ultimar the preparativos for the first trainings of the pre-season. Absolute illusion in a new project that looks for to recover the status in Europe and keep the excellence in the game.