The Ciutat Esportiva of the FC Barcelona is surely one of the destinations more concurridos of the City Condal, almost to all hour and almost every day of the week. Already this season has remained more than showed this afterwards that Pedri and Joao Cancel lived some uncomfortable moments with fans, even with the Portuguese signalling "are not fans, are boys of 20 years", in relation to the culés with which had had a disagreement several times in the exit of trainings.

Shortly after it arrived a problem for Pedri, the one who went out of the Ciutat Esportiva in his car and has had to brake in dry because a follower has put him in front of the car touching him the hood and the window. The imprudent action of this follower, that luckily only has remained in an anecdote, has not happened unobserved. But even less when this Monday some fans devoted to increpar to several players that went out, between them, Íñigo Martínez that, in front of the insults of these minors did not doubt in going down of the car and confront to one of them.

The situation each so much seems to go out of control for the players of the Barça

The video viralizó quickly in social networks. "The last time that you call me silly, and do not go of chulo...I crap me in God", said the defender. Signalling him with the finger, Martínez went back to repeat, "have heard me or no?", to the time that other fans culés tried to solve the situation. And precisely with this situation that lived the Basque footballer have been able to highlight again several situations that several footballers of the Barça have lived along the last 4 or 5 years.

And it is that along the last seasons, have seen in social networks situations absolutely absurd and others that in some point seem not having relation any with a footballer and a fan to this player, or to the club in which it plays each week. Like this it has been moments like the one of some youngsters on the hood of the car of Umtiti, or a comb to Jordi Alba, or an accident that caused Ronald Araújo in front of the insistence of the presents.

The same has lived with an attempt to Mathieu by bets, verbal aggressions against Of Jong or Koeman, or even steal him a clock to Lewandowski. Besides, footballer like Gerard Hammered or Leo Messi, in principle very wanted by all the culés, also have had to suffer situations complicated, especially in the case of the rosarino in a moment in which simply it seemed that it did not have more patience.