This past Wednesday, Víctor Font and Toni Freixa debated in 'Barça TV' with the absence of Joan Laporta that refused to participate in the event. The others two candidates spoke of several subjects and arrived to enzarzarse by one of them, Xavi Hernández. Freixa Criticised duramente to his rival by apropiarse a legend barcelonista with which not even has an entirely enclosed agreement, on the contrary of what has done he.

"This does not go of who have, but that the one who have explain it to you. It is not a question to say a name without seeing it, and more when they are names that are of the Barça, that are not of anybody. "We have spoken of an alone person that is Lluís Careers, that is our director of football, disciple of Cruyff, mate of Guardiola and that is in the campaign and explains what there is", aimed, leaving clear that he yes has a solid project.

Besides, Freixa did not doubt in launching him a 'dart' to Font by have not said directly that Xavi only will accept to go back to the FC Barcelona to seat in the bench. Of this form, put between the sword and the wall to the another candidate, since it hinted that what does not want to say is that it already has decided to do without Ronald Koeman. "By the way, Víctor, speak with Xavi, and said us that General Mánager does not want to be, that he wants to be trainer. The same you say it because you want to throw to Koeman", indicated.

Vícto Answered to the attack of the ex director of the Barça trying explain because it refers to the of Terrassa like general manager and no like technician. "If we explain that Xavi will be general manager is because we want that Xavi, that is an active of the barcelonismo, was 10-15 years", matizó, for afterwards try do strong. "For us, the big difference in these elections, and no only in the sportive subject, is the project that there is behind, do not do the things of a day for another", recognised.

They argued by Eric García

Another of the subjects on which debated was the no signing of Eric García, something that to Víctor Font bothered him, since it was he the one who commissioned to negotiate the terms. "The Barça did an offer does four or five months by 10 million + 8 in variables, and now achieve that we could pay him from the next summer, by 1,5 millions every year. So much the trainer like the technical office considered it a need for now", stood out.

Freixa, by his part, did not doubt in denying the quantities that commented the another candidate and left clear what he had done. "It has not done this operation because there was a candidate that sent letters to the Managing looming it -by Laporta- and another that asked to pay to the City and that in place to pay him 5+5, went to pay him 3+7, something of what your fellow Soriano would be loved. What it was necessary to do was to announce to the player and say him to the City: 'That want 0 or 1,7 that it was what earn of the City by the rights of training. In June will be our free", concluded.