As it occurred at the end of the past season, the FC Barcelona has gone back to pactar a friendly international to generate extraordinary income. According to the information desvelada by the newspaper 'Sportive World', the meeting will carry out after the last party of LaLiga in front of the Celtic of Vigo, which will give official closing to the Barcelona campaign.
The Barça reencontrará with Iniesta
It will be in Japan in front of the Vissel Kobe, what will give step to that the Barça reencuentre again with Andrés Iniesta, one of the most remembered footballers in the history of the institution. A priori, the planning goes through to travel to the Japanese country immediately after the commitment in front of the Galicians and prepare all so that the crossing give the Saturday 6 June in Tokyo.
The visit culé will be in the National Stadium that has 80.000 seats and that it was the main headquarters of the Olympic games of 2020. Casually the group 'ushi' has official parties the 3 and 10 June, by what will have a space in his diary to be able to receive to the Barcelona in what it expects will be a full total in Asian territory.
Like this the things, the Vissel Kobe is ultimando all the final details before announcing formally the organisation of the friendly under the tutela of the company 'Never Say Never'. It is important to remember that the Catalans travelled to Australia the past 25 May to contest the first friendly of the 'was Xavi', which finished collecting near of five million euros. It estimates that this exit to Japan generate profits still greater in the arks of the club.