The Superliga European goes back him to give a hard hit to the UEFA


A favourable sentence for Barça! EU Court upholds Super League project

Published:21/12/2023 - 10:19h

Updated:22/12/2023 - 06:20h

This Thursday has arrived the day that can change the course of the modern European football. The Superliga, like project, has been backed by the Court of Justice of the EU and for Barça and Madrid are news very positive

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Finally it has arrived the day that the FC Barcelona, and the Real Madrid, had been expecting. This Thursday the Court of Justice of the European Union finally has communicated his sentence with regard to the project of the Superliga and the news have not been able to be better for both Spanish clubs, as well as all those that decide to return to the idea of the new European tournament. The Court has decided that it treats of a position of abuse of the UEFA, considering to the European organism like a monopoly and leaving clear that does not have right to sanction to the clubs that pretend to create other competitions.

Therefore, The UEFA no longer can sanction to Barça and Madrid without participating in the Champions in the case that the two entities decide to go on with his idea to have a new tournament, by and for the clubs. In front of this, have not taken in arriving the reactions, in this case of Bernd Reichart, CEO of To22, the company commissioned to manage the Superliga right now. We have won the right to compete. The monopoly of the UEFA has finished. The football is FREE", prays initially the communiqué of Reichart.

"Now the clubs no longer will suffer threats and sanctions. They are free to decide his own future. For the fans: we go to issue free all the parties of the Superliga. For the clubs: the income of the clubs and the payments in solidarity with the football are guaranteeed. For the fans: we go to issue free all the parties of the Superliga. For the clubs: the income of the clubs and the payments in solidarity with the football are guaranteeed", adds the communiqué, leaving clear that the project has very clear his intentions.

The communiqué integrate of the Court of Justice of the EU

"The norms of the Fédération internationale of football association (FIFA) and of the Union give associations européennes of football (UEFA) that supeditan to his previous permission any project of new competition of football of clubs, like the Superliga, and that forbid to the clubs and to the players participate in the same, with penalty of sanctions, are illegal...

This is due to that the faculties of the FIFA and of the UEFA are not subject to any criterion that guarantee his transparent character, aim, no discriminatory and proportionate. Likewise, the norms that attribute to the FIFA and to the UEFA an exclusive control on the commercial exploitation of the rights derived of these competitions can restrict the competition, habida explains of the importance that these last have for the media, the consumers and the viewers".

A decision that can mark a before and an afterwards in the football

The decision of the Big Room, that answers to the interrogantes prejudiciales posed by the Mercantile Court Number17 of Madrid and can not resort, contradicts the opinion of the general lawyer assigned to the case, that when publishing his conclusions no vinculantes does a year argued that the UEFA and the FIFA acted according to right. However, the Court has wanted to leave clear that the norms of the FIFA and the UEFA have an exclusive control on the commercial exploitation of the rights of the already existent competitions.

Barça and Madrid have fixed his position quickly

The group barcelonista did not doubt in pronouncing by means of the writing and also with a video of Joan Laporta. The president was very clear in his intervention and ensured that the Superliga European is the best for the future of all the clubs, between them of course the FC Barcelona, that need greater income for his survival. Besides, it confirmed that this failure leaves without arguments to the UEFA and the FIFA, that up to now had the monopoly of everything.

By his part, the Real Madrid, with Florentino Pérez like spokesman, signalled that "in the next days will study carefully the scope of this, of big historical transcendence. The European football never will be a monopoly, and from today the clubs will be the owners of his destination. We see us able to promote the competitions that consider. It has triumphed the Europe of the freedoms", expressed the mandator merengue.

Reactions from LaLiga

In a line of time very similar, LaLiga, and especially his president Javier Thebes, decided to pronounce regarding the court's decision. The patronal of the Spanish football left quickly a communiqué in which it affirmed that "the Superliga is a selfish and elitist model" and that "all format that was not totally open, with direct access, year to year, via domestic leagues, is an enclosed model", ensured in a posture that accompanied his maximum mandator from his official account of X.

From LaLiga stick to that it splits of the sentence of the court with headquarters in Luxembourg stood out that "a competition like the one of the project of the Superliga does not have to be necessarily authorised". The precise Court that "when having him posed questions of general character about the norms of the FIFA and of the UEFA, the Court of Justice does not pronounce , in his sentence, on this specific project".

"So that it remain clear, there are not doubts and any equivocadamente go to reopen the bar to drink cubatas until the 5 of the morning as it seems that it has been Bern Reichart CEO tonight. The TJUE says that the norms of admission of competitions of FIFA and UEFA are transparent, but no that the same have to admit to the Superliga", stood out a Thebes that happened quickly to a position of attack in front of To22, the company commissioned to promote the Superliga.