The organisation chart of the FC Barcelona lost this Monday to another of his directors. As it confirmed the the program 'Tot Coast' of 'Catalonia Ràdio', Xavier Budó, commissioned of the Direction of Professional Sports (with exception of the fúbol masculine) Barcelona, stepped to the side for considering that his participation in the taking of decisions reduced considerably during the last year.

Joan Laporta presented to Budó in 2021 like part of his personnel of confidence with the aim to control the professional sections polideportivas of the club. There they go in the basketball, handball, five-a-side football and hockey skate, in addition to all the related with the feminine football, from the basic categories until the administration of The Masia and the residence of players of the club.

Laporta Follows losing effective in the directive of the Barça

However, his weight in the taking of decisions diluted in the two last seasons, expressing his unrest to the directive without incidence any. This carried to the Catalan executive to leave , a decision that, in principle, would not take by surprise to the mandator culé, further to having presented to the now ex director of sports like a fundamental element when it restarted the presidency.

With Xavier Budó, are already eight the directors that have left of the club during the valid mandate of Laporta. They are Ferran Reverter, ex CEO of the club; Maribel Menéndez, ex director of operations; Ramón Rodríguez, the one who directed the Espai Barça; Franc Carbó, ex director of Sportive Management and link with LaLiga; beside Mateu Alemany, Markel Zubizarreta and Jordi Cruyff, all members of the sportive area.