The name of Marc Casadó has been one of the most commented recently in the City Condal. The canterano, native of Sant Pere of Vilamajor, has attained to position like one of the indispensable players of the Barça Atlètic to his 20 years of age. It has been a vital piece in the diagram of Rafa Márquez, exerting as much as mediocentro defensive like right side in the season 2023/24. Likewise, it is the captain and referent of a staff that still has serious aspirations to rise to LaLiga Hypermotion (second division).

However, in spite of the big advance that Casadó has attained in this campaign, that practically fungió like a course to corroborate all the good feelings that left the past period (2022/23), where already had been able to do a lot of noise with the filial, results especially striking the fact that, in a moment in which the FC Barcelona needed a good mediocentro and Xavi Hernández showed to not to shiver him the pulse to promote talents of The Masia, independently of his youth, no have offered him a lot of opportunities toMarc . Although it was in several announcements of the first team, hardly added a total of 35 minutes of game in two meetings in LaLiga (8' in front of the Athletic of Madrid and 5' in front of the Cádiz) and two in Champions (8' in front of the Shakhtar Donetsk and 14' in front of the Amberes).

These few minutes of game inevitably generate a debate on if the canterano Barcelona has or no future in the club, especially considering that his agreement with the institution culé finishes on 30 June. The doubts on the bet by him in the FC Barcelona are comprehensible. However, little by little it seems to clear the panorama for the Catalan in the Barcelonan picture, and everything indicates that they are news very positive for him.

The FC Barcelona will bet for retaining to Marc Casadó

As it informed 'Sportive World', the Barcelona picture has the serious intention to bet by the continuity of Marc Casadó on a long-term basis, valuing especially his excellent exert in the Barça Atlètic this season. The villamajorense has contested up to now a total of 27 commitments with the filial culé in this period 2023/24, even annotating a pair of targets. Under this premise, the club will exert the unilateral option to extend his agreement until 2025, and this negotiation already would be under way.

To his time, 'MD' also stands out that the bet of the FC Barcelona by Casadó does not want to say that the team do not plan to reinforce his zone of pivote in the market veraniego of incorporations. In fact, the combined Catalan seems to be near to do of the services of the mediocentro Argentinian of 30 years, Guido Rodríguez, without cost any. Besides, neither it is necessary obviar the fact that the main aim in this position is, apparently, the contracting of Joshua Kimmich of the Bayern Munich. However, everything will depend on like the Barça attain to adapt to the fulfillment of the 'Fair Play' financial and if finally it will have the capacity to act under the modality 1/1, an option on which seems to be working fervientemente to arrive.