Ronald Araújo left Uruguay-Brazil injured


FC Barcelona does not know how serious Ronald Araújo's injury is

Published:12/07/2024 - 11:11h

Updated:12/07/2024 - 11:11h

Ronald Araújo's career has had several major muscle injuries in the last three years, the most important being this summer in the middle of the Copa América. The new center-back problem is very worrying at Barça, especially because we don't know its real extent

Calendar of FC Barcelona

After knowing the physical problems of Ronald Araújo during the quarter-finals of the Glass America, the Uruguayan selection confirmed "that it treats of a muscular injury" in his previous communiqué to contest the semifinals of the past Wednesday in front of Colombia. Therefore, right now there is not officiality on how long will be of drop the player of the FC Barcelona.

The informations have aimed that seems sure that the central will be more than a month in the Barcelona infirmary, leaving it practically out of all the pre-season of the Barça and even putting in risk that can be in the debut of League, the next 18 August in Mestalla. Araújo Left in evidence when it abandoned the field the past weekend that treats of a problem in the backside of his thigh, but the Barça knows very little more than this.

The Barça still does not have certainties with the injury of Araújo

In fact, 'Sportive World' explains that the culés still have not received an information detailed on the injury that suffers his player and are to the expectation to be able to discover which is the real degree of the problem of Araújo. It is thus that right now the feelings are of worry in the Barcelona entity by how produced the injury the central, similar to one that moved it away by more than two months in 2022, leaving it even without playing in the World-wide of Qatar.

The information aims that the surroundings of the player has not explained still with images sufficiently clear in the first proofs that the player has subjected , by what after the Glass America would make him new proofs. It is necessary to remember that in the Glass America there is split by the third place, by what Uruguay demoró a bit more in freeing to the central, although it does not expect that it was again in the bench for the duel in front of Canada.

Araújo Will return to Barcelona in brief

Like this, the Barcelona entity wait that the charrúa was of return in the City Condal this Saturday, or even the Friday at night, allowing so the medical services culés can begin to examine the real scope of the muscular injury. For now it does not seem to exist risk that the player have to go through the operating theatre, by what after the new proofs, Araújo would begin with the corresponding plan of recovery, trying can be smart for the official start of the season.

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