EstadiOlimpic Lluis Companys3


FC Barcelona will not be able to 'punish' members who 'passed' Montjuïc

Published:23/02/2024 - 19:53h

Updated:24/02/2024 - 02:00h

FC Barcelona's return to the Spotify Camp Nou is almost six months away, and the club are already thinking about that first season ticket process, although it finally seems that they will not be able to punish or reward their members according to the decision they have made for the current season

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona was near of the 18 one thousand abandoned partners to the Estadi Lluís Companys for this season of transition of the Barcelona team in the mountain in front of the works of remodeling of the Spotify Camp Nou, that will extend in his first stage until the next month of November. However, this figure was very move# away of the prognoses of the club, something that the past week opened the possibility for which himself showed his support will receive a prize, and therefore those that no, a 'punishment'.

Like this it showed it the vice-president Elena Fort in some statements in which it understood that the directive has decided to guarantee the priority to the credited of Montjuïc in the return to the Camp Nou. Fort Affirmed that the 17.552 people that credited for this course will have seat ensured when the team go back to the Camp Nou, which will have in principle a capacity for some 60.000 people. But the reality is that the intention is loable is unfair and impugnable from the legal point of view.

The Barça can not allow begin a 'war' with a big part of his partners

And it is that the process of allocation of the new abonos of the Camp Nou, until it do not go back to the maximum capacity, has to make guaranteeing the same rights for all the partners. All what was not like this, and change the rules to half party, will be able to impugn in the courts. And as well it knows the Barcelona club, the partner demandante will have the reason to the have not received a notification that not to credit in this process of transition could be punished somehow.

Like this it signals it 'Sportive World' this Friday, standing out that the partners that did not aim to Montjuïc, did not know then that it could reward to the inscribed guaranteeing them seat in the return, already in the season 24-25. The criterion of allocation of the club can not be arbitrary, punishing or rewarding, in function of if you gave or no support to the team in Lluís Companys, by what the measure seems practically descartada.