The FC Barcelona 2020-21 kits | Footy Headlines


Filtered the possible designs of the T-shirts of Barça 2020-21

Published:14/10/2019 - 22:54h

Updated:14/10/2019 - 22:54h

The portal 'Footy Headlines' has revealed how will be purportedly the three T-shirts of the FC Barcelona 2020-21

Calendar of FC Barcelona

When the skilled web 'Footy Headlines' reveals equipaciones future, does not be used to to make a mistake. And this Monday have desvelado of a tacada those that could be the designs of the three T-shirts of the FC Barcelona 2020-21, filtered previously by the portal @plusbarça. If the graphic settings of the three equipaciones are in the true, everything seems to indicate that 'Nike' will go back to innovar to the big with the equipación culé.

The first T-shirt would recover the Barcelona vertical bands with small yellow bands inhalf , although the colour grana would be something clearer of the usual, as well as the blue. The logos of 'Rakuten' and 'Beko' would keep inwhite , whereas the one of 'Nike' would remain in yellow.

Regarding the second equipación, would be of black colour to the complete and with the shield and the logos of the in colour golden sponsors, producing like this a big visual power. We advance that, sure, this second equipación will be of the most sold in the history of the club by his big beauty, although it is possible that to some do not like them the black like second T-shirt.

The third and last equipación would be of colour rosáceo, without bands to the equal that the second, and with the logos of the sponsors and the shield of black colour. Without place to doubts, three designs that sure that will go back to generate controversy in a sector of the barcelonismo by his character rompedor, although true is that 'Nike' and the Barça already have established this dynamics of constant innovation from does a lot of seasons.

The FC Barcelona and 'Nike', imagination to the power

The traditional first equipación of the FC Barcelona, that does not do a lot of years was used to to remain almost unalterable of a year for another, now follows changing from above down when it finalises a campaign and begins another. In these last years, however, the reality is that the FC Barcelona is increasing the income by sale of T-shirts in spite of the controversy generated.

The imagination and originality, criticised sometimes by the barcelonistas more traditional and conservative, every time is more rewarded by his atrevimiento and transgression. It will be necessary to confirm in the next months, in any case, if these three T-shirts finish being really those that luzca the Barça of official form along the season 2020-21.