Income and sustainability: Laporta defends Barça's economic improvement
Joan Laporta spoke to the members of FC Barcelona in the Ordinary Assembly, where he presented the accounts for the previous year and the budget for the current campaign
The FC Barcelona lives his Ordinary Assembly of Partners this Saturday. The club has commissioned to present, explain and defend the economic work during the exercise 2022/2023 and announce the budget that expect to fulfil in the present exercise. Joan Laporta, maximum mantario of the Barcelona entity, has been the attendant to welcome the partners and partners that have gathered of telematic way in one of the most important appointments for the picture barcelonista.
In his speech, the president blaugrana has done a summary of the management of the club in the last year. From the attainments achieved to sportive level, until which do not see . It has insisted in the big efforts that have done for sanear the economy of the club after inheriting a complicated financial situation after the last exercise of Josep María Bartomeu. The mass salarial, the cut of costs, the plan of economic feasibility and the 'case Negreira', have been the main ingredients of the contindente message of Laporta to the partners.
The speech of Laporta in the Assembly
After a welcome with a video summary of what has been the past season, Joan Laporta has given the welcome the partners aiming that, in the equator of his mandate like president, has claimed the intention to work for revertir the economic inheritance refusal that found when they arrived in 2021, aiming that "we have applied a strategic plan to look for the stability of the entity. it is achieving With talent, effort and persistence, but especially thanks to your confidence".
Appreciating the confidence of the Barcelona mass in the middle of the transition, Laporta has mentioned that "between all have saved the club", reported that they have found potholes from out of the club and that "attack us for being those who are and for representing what represent. They attack us because we go back to go well", doing reference -probably- to the case Negreira. It has taken advantage of to stand out the mejoría financial, the titles achieved and the fact to have "a much more valued team in the market and much more sustainable economically" that it does not have at all that see with "chance or is a miracle, is fruit of the work of a lot of people. We have worked a lot for going back to the first world-wide line".
The keys of the mass salarial of the Barça
One of the most key points and that generated expectations in the previous of the Assembly was the subject of the mass salarial and his reduction , that has been very significant. Right now, the costs of the Barça in wages represent 57% of the income of the club: "The reduction of the mass salarial sportive, something key to achieve the economic recovery of the entity, has achieved thanks to renegotiating agreements and for defining a new structure salarial. This season the mass salarial will represent 57% with regard to the income of the club", confirmed Laporta.
Although they have reduced the costs by wage, the president blaugrana has valued that the Barça has achieved to improve substantially his staff with signings of maximum quality that will allow to return to the elite of the European football: "we Have reduced the mass salarial but have improved the staff. This season there will be a cut in the income. But we have achieved it with a Plan of Feasibility and with an additional effort of the commercial area of the club", standing out also that "have a team that wants to make history and mark a new era. I ask you all the support to the team. In a year will go back to the Spotify Camp Nou".
The numbers of the Barça, explained by Laporta
On how it has been the process of economic reconstruction since it assumed the presidency in 2021, the mandator has aimed that "when we arrive, in the three first months of the end of the season 2020-21, optimise all our efforts to stabilise the entity, to save it. We find us a debt of 1.350 millions, the majority in the short term, and some negative own bottoms, signalling that in "the following season put the pillars for the transition to the economic feasibility. In the season 2022-23 have implanted the bases to go back to the elite, with financial operations, the crowbars. Thanks to this can give profits in the accounts of the exercise 2022-23".
'Jan' has commissioned of resumir the accounts that are presenting to the partners. By sponsorships have arrived to invoice €200m, thanks to the arrival of twenty sponsors, whereas they have been €100m by merchandasing. On the income of the Camp Nou, situated them in €121m, whereas the museum has generated other €39,9m. Laporta Has resumido that "Have happened of 680 millions to 552 the past season. Now we will present a budget of 850 million income, with the forecast of 11 million profit, without crowbars", although it will reduce considerably the income by ticketing with the mudanza to Montjuïc.