Jordi Farré in an image of archive


Jordi Farré shoots at Bartomeu and responds to Tusquets

Published:4/12/2020 - 08:48h

Updated:4/12/2020 - 08:49h

Jordi Farré, one of the impulsores of the vote of censorship against Josep Maria Bartomeu and precandidato to the elections, spoke on the suspicious bills that reported Carles Tusquets

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Jordi Farré was one of the maximum exponents of the platform 'Més that a moció'​ that promoted the vote of censorship against Josep Maria Bartomeu and his board, something that finished with the resignation en bloc of the already ex mandator beside all the directive. Besides, also it is precandidato to the next elections of the FC Barcelona, at present directed by a Managing Commission.

To day of today, at the head of the club and until there is not new president in the elections of 24 January, is Carles Tusquets and, in an interview for RAC1, reported that they were arriving suspicious bills that would not sign anybody of the Managing Commission because desconoce his origin. Something that will derive in the new Managerial Board elect and that Jordi Farré thinks that would have to recaer in Josep Maria Bartomeu.

The precandidato to the elections sees very clear that the bills that arrive by operations of the previous together have to fall to charge of the same. "The gentleman Carles Tusquets would have to give back these bills to the managers and no to the next Managerial Board, as it says that it wants to do. The club does not have to do charge", considered the promoter of the vote of censorship against Josep Maria Bartomeu.

Jordi Farré also wanted to take out breast by the campaign 'Més that a Moció' that finished with the previous mandate, something that allowed that they went out to the light the bills announced by Carles Tusquets. "Thanks to the vote of censorship, is destapando all this and has avoided that, for the moment, have not paid these suspicious bills and that have generated other new of the same nature", commented.

A very distinct speech to the of Joan Laporta

Jordi Farré ensured that, if he goes out president, will try to debug responsibilities in the previous managerial. "If the partner trusts me, will be relentless in the task to raise the carpets and do answer to the previous Together if it detects any type of fraud or bad practical. No only I promise it, but I will do it. Defend the heritage of all the partners has to be the first obligation of any president", sentenced.

Curiously, Joan Laporta,​ one of the big favourites to win the elections to the presidency of the next month of January, has presented like precandidato with a totally distinct speech. The ex president culé considers that it does not have to look to backwards, but it asked unit to step to to the future and give back to the FC Barcelona in the place to the place that corresponds him.