Joan Laporta during a press conference. Image: @FCBarcelona_is in Twitter


Laporta responds to Bartomeu's 'lies': "He has led Barça to ruin"

Published:16/08/2021 - 13:15h

Updated:16/08/2021 - 13:15h

In a press conference, Joan Laporta has responded to Josep María Bartomeu's letter, which he considers to be full of lies

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The week has begun with a lot of work in Can Barça. This Monday, Joan Laporta has offered a press conference in which it exposed the real numbers of the economic crisis of the club. The president desveló, between other things, that the losses elevate until the 468 million euros and that at present the mass salarial supposes 103% of the income, a 25-30% that the ones of the competitors, being of 617 'kilos'.

Another of the most important points that Laporta has touched has been the letter that sent Josep María Bartomeu during the past week, of which has said that is full of lies. The president reviewed and answered point by point. It has said, in summary, that "there are eight lies in the letter of Bartomeu. I do not want that with this exercise desperately to justify a management injustificable to escape of his responsibility" and that "it is sad to see a full letter of lies and more for a person that has been president of a directive that has carried to the club to the ruin".

"They reiterate a lie. In the club was institutionalised that if you repeat a lie turns into reality".

Regarding the approval of the accounts of the exercise 2019-2020, has said that "all the world knows that we approve the accounts by technical reasons and not to paralyse the activity of the club, but this approval does not validate the period of 2019 to 2020. Already I said that if of the due dilligence derived civil responsibilities, would do it". Likewise, it has complained because "they say that they are not responsible of the exercise 2020-2021 and are responsible until March of the 2021. The accounts that closed are his responsibility. This already have lived it in the past. They reiterate a lie. In the club was institutionalised that if you repeat a lie turns into reality".

Regarding the resignation of the board of Bartomeu, has confessed that "says that they resign by the procicat and was because they knew that they were the first directive that went to have to go by a motion of censorship". The 'third lie' has been that "after resigning could not take economic decisions and therefore they lost 375 millions by reason of Covid, but only were 91".

The reality, after the management of the previous directive is that the debt of the FC Barcelona is of 1.350 million euros, as it has confirmed the president. To his time, loaded by the supposed discount salarial of 12%. "Also it is lie the reduction of the 12 percent of the 2020-2021 and of the discount of the 20 percent foreseen for this campaign. The reduction is not real. These 68 millions have been transferred and have to pay them now. They did not reduce these wages".

Destapa The reality of the Barça Corporate

Regarding the point of the Barça Corporate, has said that in the letter of Bartomeu "add him the income by the Superliga and the agreement of LaLiga with CVC. This is the tale of the lechera. Already it is grave that a president of the Barça break the confidentiality of the agreements, because this subtracts credibility" and that "the assessment that do of 220 millions does not have any value. It included even the agreement with Nike, that reports us by himself only 500 millions".

In this sense, explained that it was lie that the Barça Corporate went to mean an entry of 220 million euros. "Always it posed that the 50 percent was to face up to the needs that had these units", aimed, launching him a powerful dart to the ex president: "Bartomeu covered holes in the short term mortgaging the club on a long-term basis and this has left us a dramatic inheritance".

The 'case Neymar' with the Barça

On the litigios with Neymar Jr, has condemned that Bartomeu "says that we have forgiven to Neymar 16,5 millions. It is lie and remember him the damage that did the 'case Neymar'. It did a shameful pact with the Fiscalía that condemned to the Barça by two fiscal crimes for the first time in the history, to attain that Bartomeu remained exonerated", stood out, adding that "we have found us four demands with Neymar".

Laporta Highlighted that one of the demands was of 10,2 millions that could not demand, "because it was prescribed by inaction of the board of Bartomeu". Thus, they thought that "the best was that the two parts renuciaran to all the pretences. They are 16.5 in return of 53.6 that renounced Neymar. I think that it is positive for the Barça".

"They spend of disproportionate way and to the speed of light the 220 millions of the traspaso of Neymar"

Regarding how they spent the 220 millions that the club obtained by the sale of Neymar, underlined that "they spend of disproportionate way and to the speed of light the 220 millions of the traspaso of Neymar. Here they shot the wages. It would be necessary to have changed the model and invest in the Masia, doing some more proportionate investments, with more sportive logic".

Dispute with the Espai Barça

Deepening more on the letter of Bartomeu, explained that "to the Espai Barça lacking transfer. It does not explain that a part of partners have to happen of first to third gradería. They did not face the problems. The renewal of the Estadi with the periodic assistance of more than 80.000 people is little viable and comports some risks inasumibles. There are clear falsities".

Of the same way, signalled that the project is infravalorado and that Johan Cruyff was presupuestado in four millions and has cost 20. There are reports that show that it was not investing in the maintenance of the installations", said. "They saved in maintenance, but now the urgent repairs cost more. They will cost us around eight millions. We are redoing the project so that it was viable and do not affect to the partners. We are in disposal to present the calendar, beginning for presenting in assembly the finance. If it approves we will be able to begin the works in summer of the 2022".