Jordi Alba has remained, officially, desvinculado of the FC Barcelona. It sacked this Thursday with a moving act in the Auditori 1899 of the Spotify Camp Nou, accompanied by his familiar, friends and mates, as well as members of the staff technical and together Barcelona directive, that have transmitted him his gratitude by his history in the club and, besides, by the 'form' in which it has gone .
The left side decided to step backwards and renounce to an important percentage of the wage that was missing him for earning, corresponding to the season 2023-2024 and the optional year that had in his agreement. As it has informed 'Sportive World', after the act of farewell displaced to the dispatches of the club to sign the document with which, finally, has terminated his agreement with the Barcelona.
Alba left to win 60% of his agreement
Of agreement to this source, "the international defence forgave more than the 60 percent of the index card of the year that remained him, roughly two thirds of her". It supposes a very positive news for the Barcelona interests of face to the 'accounts' of this exercise, place has effected before 30 June. It will influence, of favourable way, in the Fair Play financial.
It is worth it to remember that, although his agreement extended until the summer of the next year, had the option to renew it unilaterally in case that it fulfilled an individual aim. Alba has renounced and leaves free, but with the certainty that it has helped to the club until the last minute, inside and out of the field.
Joan Laporta had confirmed the 'help' of Alba
In statements from the Auditori 1899, Joan Laporta had explained that "in the moment in that it goes , Jordi Alba helps economically to the club. Few players can say it. By his initiative, he will continue his career, but renunciation to an important part of his index card, to give us margin to do a more competitive team. This shows the personality and barcelonista that is".