Joan Laporta en el campo de entrenamiento del FC Barcelona


New 'lever' in sight? FC Barcelona plans to request a loan

Published:19/05/2024 - 17:12h

Updated:19/05/2024 - 17:13h

FC Barcelona would be considering the option of requesting a loan to close this season's year without losses due to the economic deficit it has recently experienced. However, this decision would be subject to the renegotiation of the agreement with Nike that Barça may reach

Calendar of FC Barcelona

For anybody is a secret that the FC Barcelona is crossing his best period regarding his economic situation. Although the situation seems to be slightly better that in the previous courses, the reality is that it still seems to keep on being a big ballast for the picture culé, no only to purchase players 'top', as it explained Xavi Hernández in the previous press conference to the commitment against the UD Almería, but also to resolve other daily subjects in the life of the club.

Now, because of the economically austere situation by which crosses the combined Barcelona, apparently as it informed 'The Avant-garde', the FC Barcelona would be in position to negotiate the granting of a new credit valued in roughly 100 M€. This would be conditioned to the terms in which it close the renegociación of the sponsorship with Nike, that this year will pay ten million euros less because of the performance of the Catalan cast in European competitions.

In this sense, is important to take into account that if it arrived to reach an agreement of renegociación with the company of the 'swoosh', would implement a premium of signing of 100 M€ by part of the American company. This would be very beneficial for the Barcelonan cast, since it would help to cover the economic deficit to the that could be confronting the club to the closing of the season.

Why the FC Barcelona would need to request this credit?

It is necessary to remember that the past month of October, the FC Barcelona approved a budget of 859 M€ with net profits of 11 'kilos'. Nevertheless, recently it has arisen the option that this exercise close with losses. Here it roots the importance to purchase this credit or have the premium of signing by part of the afamado American sponsor, since they would serve to cover the needs of derivative liquidity of the deficit of the year, that also has generated because of the problems to receive the money of 49% of Barça Studios and the vencimientos of debt that the Barcelona club has.

Further of the credit or of the agreement with Nike, these 100 million euros are keys to avoid close the exercise with losses and also to recover the rule of the 1:1 in LaLiga, what would allow to the combined Catalan try reinforce properly to give him a jump of quality to the staff.

In front of this, according to desveló 'The Avant-garde', the big threat for the combined of the City Condal is that the past year Joan Laporta aimed more than 400 M€ in the arks of the club, the half like assessment of 51% of the sale of Barça Half that still possesses and the others 200 M€ like profit of the sale of the remaining 49%. If for the next 30 June the club culé does not attain to find a new investor, will have to make own contributions or reconvert that extraordinary entry in losses, a situation that would leave the 'Fair Play' of the very committed team.