Bartomeu in the loge of the Camp Nou against the Real Sociedad


Rousaud fights back and responds to Barça statement

Published:10/04/2020 - 22:29h

Updated:11/04/2020 - 00:38h

Emili Rousaud, ex director of the FC Barcelona that presented his resignation beside other five mates, answered to the threatening communiqué of the club

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Emili Rousaud, ex institutional vice-president of the FC Barcelona, did not present his resignation in silence, but it wanted to express his reasons to leave and even accused to the club with important insinuations about the management made during the 'Barçagate'. Thus, the club answered denying "categorically any susceptible action to be described as corruption".

In the same communiqué, the Barça even loomed with taking legal actions against Rousaud for having marked the name of the Board and of the club. "By all this the club reserves the interposition of the criminal actions that can correspond", ensured the communiqué. Something that the ex Barcelona vice-president did not have objection in going back to answer also with forcefulness.

It did it in some statements in the 'Tot Coast' of Catalonia Ràdio collected by Sportive World. "A reservation of legal actions does not want to say at all. Have clear that it is a threat", affirmed the ex Barcelona director, adding that "what said is an opinion based. Have evidential elements" and that "this threat does not have consistency and will carry out".

"It is a threat without consistency"

Rousaud Seems totally calm and does not fear the actions that can employ the Barça. "If the juridical services verify it will see that there is not any base for a querella. If somebody poses a querella would not bother me because it would be a way to be able to review this case and all his proofs", commented, adding that "a querella is free. On my part, if they want to do it, forward".

Also matizó what he same said in RAC1 on the case I3 Ventures. "When I refer me to proofs, want to say that there are evidential elements that my opinions are based. It is not the moment to explain them but there are them, have them", said, puntualizando that "is not a warning" and that "am not difamando to anybody, am saying that here it has paid an excessive amount and is paying an on price".

It went back to pose the elections

Rousaud Also commented the possibility to anticipate elections, since "in front of an economic challenge so important, will have to take decisions very brave to redirect this situation. This will be able to do it better a board with six years by in front". Nevertheless, it considers legitimate that Bartomeu want to follow until 2022. "The president has a virtue, that is very resiliente. It bears very well the pressure and is very legitimate that it want to be to the end", sentenced.