A partner votes in the last elections of the Barça


The Generalitat approves the date of the elections of the FC Barcelona

Published:19/01/2021 - 15:40h

Updated:19/01/2021 - 16:57h

The Barça will have his presidential elections the next 7 March, after they postponed the comicios by the pandemia of the coronavirus

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona saw forced to suspend his presidential elections, pautadas for 24 January, by the critical situation that lives Catalonia in the middle of the pandemia of the coronavirus. From the club had decided to step backwards and expect to that the situation improved for like this not exposing to his partners, considering besides that the majority surpasses the 50 years of age.

After a meeting with the Procicat, the Barcelona picture informed his decision and later the president of the Managing Commission, Carles Tusquets, gathered with the presidential candidates of the Barça: Joan Laporta, Víctor Font and Freixa. Of this meeting went out two points: the decision of not going out to fichar in the wintry market and a possible date to carry out the votes: on 7 March.

It has not happened long so that the Generalitat have approved the date and him of green light to the team of the City Condal so that it manage the changes of face to the comicios electoral. This Tuesday, 'Catalonia Rádio' informed that from the Govern had given him the "himself" to the date. Shortly after, one of the applicants to the presidency, Víctor Font, confirmed the information reacting to the tweet of the emisora Catalan.

In this sense, now only does fault that the FC Barcelona confirm the date and in passing to communicate the electoral calendar, in which the candidates will be able to do his campaign. Besides, it expects that the club add more centres of votes inside Catalonia, as it had informed 'Sportive World' does some days.

There will be vote by post

When Carles Tusquets and Óscar Grau, CEO of the Barça, gathered with his homologous of the Procicat, posed the possibility to allow the vote by post for the elections, with the end to protect the most possible the health of the voters. It was the second time that from the FC Barcelona requested , since it asked it for the first date, but this time the Govern has given green light to his application.

In this sense, the FC Barcelona expected that it produced this modification of the law of the Catalan sport to do official the announcement of the date, what expects that pass in the next hours or days.