Coutinho, Busquets and Of Jong in a training of the Barça


The FC Barcelona squad rejects the new salary cut

Published:17/10/2020 - 00:39h

Updated:17/10/2020 - 21:43h

New informations ensure that the staff of the first team and of the filial of the FC Barcelona have refused the new discount proposed by Josep Maria Bartomeu

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Josep Maria Bartomeu and his Managerial Board follow accumulating problems​ derived of his catastrophic management aggravated by the economic crisis derivative of the coronavirus. In this occasion, would have originated a new conflict with the staff of the first team and of the filial of the FC Barcelona, after a new proposal of discount salarial denegada by the footballers.

According to the informations desveladas this Thursday by 'RAC1', the footballers of the FC Barcelona will send a burofax to the club to communicate with official character his rejection to the new reduction salarial that pretended to implant Josep Maria Bartomeu. The communiqué would express the disconformidad of the players to the new request of descent of wage that the directive considers necessary.

The Barça follows to the his

The president of the FC Barcelona would have requested a reduction of the 30 percent of the wage to his players and employees, opening a table of negotiation until the day 22 with the term until 5 November to agree the descent of wages. Nevertheless, the burofax of the footballers will be clear in this appearance to the hour to refuse the request of the club.

From the FC Barcelona trusts can arrive to some type of agreement to adapt the wage of the playersto the current circumstances although according to some sectors of the press the club would be had to apply the discount of unilateral form if finally the footballers do not accept and even to urge them to present a complaint.

The request of the FC Barcelona comes in base to the enormous losses that has had the club as a result of the coronavirus. The Catalan entity has left of ingresar a 203 million euros the past season, something that has been very harmful for his financial situation. The mass salarial was of the 53 percent of the total budget, reason by which tried recortar by this road.

They accumulate the problems

Josep Maria Bartomeu and his Managerial Board are in the final stage of his mandate, that will not finish precisely of calm form. The maximum mandator culé has carried to the club to a precarious financial situation aggravated by the pandemia and by the sportive crisis. Proof of this is that the club has seen forced to 'give' to some of his stars to save his wages and that now wants to recess those that already there is.