The Laporta-Koeman summit of June, unveiled: The Dutchman could be fired!
Published:17/09/2021 - 17:58h
Updated:17/09/2021 - 18:37h
The Laporta-Koeman war, although they want to show the opposite, is on fire. Now, the conversation they had in June, when 'Jan' had the intention of firing him, has been revealed
It has unblocked a new chapter to the dispute between Joan Laporta and Ronald Koeman, those who obviously do not save a good relation and have different ideas to take out to 'float' to the FC Barcelona deportivamente. The true is that now the Dutch and his surroundings have confirmed that 'Jan' himself said them in the month of June that went to take a term of fifteen days to look for him a replacement and that, if they did not achieve it, went to remain to the control of the first team.
The information has desvelado in the documentary "Força Koeman", in which it has showed the day in day out of the trainer of Zaandam in the Barça. In the last episode, have desvelado precisely the conversations that kept the president and technical after it finalised the season 2020-2021. Koeman And his agent, Rob Jansen, have given all the details, signalling of 'hipócrita' to Laporta.
"We need more time and will look for other options for the place of trainer"
The trainer has commented that "we had carried us always well. And then, the president says me: 'Still I have doubts. We need more time and will look for other options for the place of trainer. We can not clear at all more'". Later, after a succession of statements, the representative added that "Laporta said that it needed two or three weeks to find a new candidate. And that, if it did not find it, then, Ronald could continue in the bench".
Koeman Answered him to Laporta that if that was his way to think, had to face up to the consequences: "The president is the president and is here to take decisions. I said him that it said me that I am not the sufficiently good to train the team and that like this could finish with that history. I said him: 'Fix it if you do not want me. Do it. But you do not leave me with this uncertainty saying me that will go out to look for other options'".
"This is the hypocrisy of the sport..."
Rob Jansen deepened in the 'attack' against his represented: "it Was a crazy decision, based in at all. Based only in his feelings. A madness...". It accused, besides, to 'Jan' of hipócrita after his management of the situation. "I did not go back to speak with Laporta. But, fortunately, the people that surrounds him contributed to that Koeman remained . Then, the president went out in front of the means saying that they would continue together, that are fellow… this is the hypocrisy of the sport of high level", sentenced.