Josep Maria Bartomeu, president of the Barcelona, in the eye of the hurricane


This week can decide the date of the vote of censorship

Published:13/10/2020 - 23:55h

Updated:13/10/2020 - 23:55h

The motion of censorship, that already obtained the validation of the number of necessary signatures, only needs the designation of a specific day to carry out

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The managerial board chaired by Josep María Bartomeu could be having his last days in the dispatches of the Camp Nou. This is due to that the motion of vote of censorship, that will apply with all security, afterwards to validate the 16.520 necessary signatures for said end, only needs that it fix a date so that finally it carry out.

As it reported the Wave Zero, the first possible date for the celebration of the referendum on the continuity of the managerial could be on 24 October. However, said source also mentions the option that the election effect between the 1 and on 3 November, weekend of All the Saints.

In spite of having an enormous possibility to remain destituido, thanks to the activation of the motion of censorship, the president Josep María Bartomeu still has not done any statement that include his resignation like main subject. Of not to give the renunciation of the mandator and to achieve a favourable result in the electoral census, his continuity will be ensured until 30 June of the 2021.

Steps for the vote of censorship

Afterwards of the validation of the signatures, has to conform a Table of the Vote of Censorship, in which they will participate the two first partners signatories of the application of the electoral mechanism, two members of the current Managerial Board (appointed by the same board) and a delegate of the Catalan Federation of Football, the one who will chair the Table.

Later, in a no greater term to ten skillful days, has to check that the application of vote fulfils with all the requirements and, to be like this, will be necessary that the same Managerial Board summon to the election inside the next 20 skillful days. When celebrating the referendum, the Table of the Vote of Censorship will assume the paper of electoral board for contabilizar the numbers that launch the process and, to be negative for the current mandators of the FC Barcelona, the same will remain automatically out of his charges.