A busy week at Can Barça: Joan Laporta's 'urgent' tasks
Published:14/06/2021 - 09:12h
Updated:16/06/2021 - 12:23h
FC Barcelona will live a week with many movements. Joan Laporta and company will have to face several challenges and face up after the controversial dismissals in recent days
Presentations, renewals, exits, Assembly... Only some of the subjects that Joan Laporta and his managerial board have to resolve this week in the FC Barcelona. It will be a very moved week in which the club expects to have key movements in the market of signings, especially with the possible traspasos of players with which the club does not explain of face to the season 2021-2022, in addition to the announcement of the imminent traspaso of Memphis Depay.
The club has in the panorama the presentation of the new T-shirt of venue for the next season, this Tuesday with an act that will take place in the Camp Nou from the 20:00 hours, in a day in which also it expects that the Barça put end to one of the 'serials' of the summer and announce the traspaso of Depay, the one who will arrive to the club of the City Condal like free agent after finishing his agreement with the Olympique of Lyon. The Dutch has been request expresses of Ronald Koeman and finally the Barcelona have 'pleased' to the trainer with the player.
During the disclosure of the new elastic blaugrana, Joan Laporta will attend to the media and will have to give the face after the controversial dismissals that have had in place in the last days, that have left surprised to more than one and that, in fact, have resulted inexplicables for a sector of the barcelonismo. It is the concrete case of García Pepper (trainer of the Barça B) and Guillermo Love, the one who fungía like spokesman of the club, with the charge of Director of Institutional and Sportive Relations of the club.
That will be orno of the commonplaces that will steal the attention during the appearance of press, but no the only. Laporta Also has to resolve the subject of the replacement of García Pepper. Sergi Barjuan presents like the favourite to occupy the charge of trainer of the filial, but still has not been presented officially, so probably it was something that also will occur during the next days. A new open front, in fact.
On the other hand, the maximum Barcelona mandator expects to resolve direct subjects of the first team. Between them, maybe the most important, are the exits of some players this same week. In Can Barça are conscious that the operation gone out is impostergable and will try to concretise the traspasos of players like Konrad de la Fuente (to the Marseilles, possibly) or Junior Firpo, that has several options on the table to abandon the Camp Nou. They are two operations that the club expects to close immediately to go freeing, of to little, the changing room.
Renewals in Can Barça
As well as it will be a week starred by the exits, in the dispatches have in looks it 'close' the negotiations for the renewal of some players. The most important, definitely, is the one of Leo Messi, but is something that will arrive after the Glass America, according to the last report. In this sense, also have to resolve the situation of Ousmane Dembélé and Ilaix Moriba.
In the case of the French, the situation paints for complicated. 'Dembouz' Still does not have clear his future, but remains him a year of agreement and the club needs to resolve, immediately, his situation, considering that, if it does not renew, the blaugrana have to put it immediately in the market of signings to avoid that it leave free of the Camp Nou next summer. It has spoken that the club gave him an ultimatum, but it will be necessary to expect to see which sucede in the next days.
With the canterano, neither will be simple. It fits to remember that with the signing fallido of Georgino Wijnaldum, the Barça has given priority to the extension of the agreement of Ilaix, but will have to improve the conditions of the agreement so that the talentoso midfield player, that already has impressed to Ronald Koeman, decide to extend his agreement with the Barcelona group. In any sense, Laporta and company look forward to to offer him an agreement that 'scare' to the teams of the Premier League that already have touched the door asking after his signing.
The week closes with Assembly
The Sunday 20 June, to close the week, Joan Laporta will have to give the face, again, in an Assembly with the partners, where will have to approve the accounts of the course 2019-2020, the budget of the 2020-21 and give advances of important subjects like the project of the Espai Barça and of the Barça Corporate. An important closing, but with double edge.