Frenkie de Jong's return to the pitch is getting closer. The Dutch midfielder, who has been out for more than five months since his ankle injury in the Clásico on April 21, has left his physical problems behind and could return to the FC Barcelona squad next Tuesday if he convinces in training this Monday prior to the Champions League match against Young Boys.

Once his recovery has been satisfactorily completed, the player gave an interview to 'Barça One' in which he reviewed everything he has experienced during these months after his injury. "It has been a very hard process because playing football is what I like the most, I love it, it is my passion. It has been like this all my life. When you cannot play important games and you lose important games, the Euro Cup, matches with Barça... it is a very hard and difficult process because what I like the most is playing football," Frenkie began by saying.

The repercussions of his injury on his daily life

De Jong showed his most vulnerable side when he confessed how his physical problems affected his daily life. "Every day, when I got out of bed, I looked at my ankle. Mentally, it was a hard process because football is what I like the most..."

"... Having three injuries on the same ankle caused me a slight mental trauma"

However, the footballer has managed to leave these problems in the past and made it clear that he is increasingly prepared to compete at the highest level again. "Little by little, I am regaining the confidence to hit hard and enter the duels. I am regaining confidence. I am doing well, I am going step by step, but I am doing well," he said.

His possible operation and his return to the team

In the same way, Frenkie was in charge of denying the rumours that claimed that the player refused to go through the operating room, assuring that it was a consensual decision. "During the recovery process I have remained silent. It is not true that the club said that I had to have surgery and I did not want to. Because all the people at the club, the medical services and I have agreed that not having surgery was the best option. I do not understand where these things come from. Everyone agreed not to have surgery."

He also hinted that his return to the first team is very close to happening. "The ankle is a delicate case, they say, but I am improving and I hope to be close to returning to the team", he revealed.

Frenkie denied the figures of his salary

On the other hand, the footballer categorically denied receiving a salary close to 40 million euros gross. In fact, his statements are consistent with what was revealed by the portal 'Culemanía', where they revealed that the Dutchman will earn 19 million euros gross this season, to which must be added 4.2 million euros as a loyalty bonus and a bonus of two million euros that he will only receive if he plays 60% of the official matches. In total, the maximum possible would be 25.2 million euros gross.

"It is not true that I earn 37 million. It is a very high figure that is very, very, very far from the amount that I earn. I am very far from that amount"

Despite this, Frenkie put himself in the shoes of the fans and understood their frustration with his situation. "I understand people who get frustrated. They say that he is earning a lot of money, he says that he doesn't want to have surgery... that he is taking a vacation and that he is not training, but the reality is different. It is not like that. I have been recovering. It is a very hard process, the ankle is delicate, difficult," he said.

The team, his relationship with Flick and the captaincy

De Jong was very satisfied with the team's current situation and expressed his desire to join the group as soon as possible. "I see the team in very good shape, with energy and a lot of quality. There is a good atmosphere, good energy on the field. I really want to be part of this team to contribute as much as possible. I see everyone happy, playing with joy, free... and I want to be part of that. I really like the way we are playing and I want to be part of that," he said.

On his relationship with Hansi Flick and the instructions that the German has given him, the midfielder said that "he asks me the same as everyone else, to give my best, one hundred percent. When I return, we will see if I play and where I do it. These are things for the manager. I like how we play, but my position is a matter for the coaches."

Finally, he spoke about the captaincy of Barça, since being the third captain, and without the injured Marc ter Stegen and Ronald Araujo, he will be in charge of wearing the armband once he returns to the first team. "It is a great pride to be captain of Barcelona. I will give everything, as always. I will try to set a good example for the people and my teammates. The first thing is to come back well, and then, this."