Frenkie de Jong gets 'wet' about his renewal with FC Barcelona
Frenkie de Jong is one of the most important players in Xavi's Barça. He still has a current contract but the offices want to adjust his salary and extend his stay at the club
For anybody is a secret that Frenkie of Jong is one of the most used footballers by Xavi Hernández since it arrived to the benches. The technician understands that the Dutch is a bastion and can work perfectly in any position of the medullary, even of central defender. It is thus that one of his wishes goes through 'armour' his continuity.
Although has a valid agreement until 2026, the true is that in the dispatches see with good eyes extend his agreement until 2028 with an adjust salarial beneficial for all the parts. This would help to the club to 'play' with the Fair Play of face to the future and also guarantee his services like a referent of present and future.
Frenkie Is happy in Barcelona
After the goleada 5-0 in front of the Royal Antwerp, the midfield player has offered some brief statements to the media when being asked after the current state of the negotiations with the Barcelona. "I will leave that my agent commission of this, but am very happy here", cleared Of Jong, the one who nowadays would not see defending another elastic different to the Barcelona.
The conversations would go by good way and the disposal of all the parts seems to be the correct. However, it is important to remember the occurred during the market estival 2022/23, when the sportive direction wanted to sell it to the Manchester United by 80 million euros. This 'spine' could follow nailed and shows the big barcelonismo of Frenkie, that bet by his continuity without mattering the pressures to do him change of airs.
Like this the things, it will be necessary to see how give the negotiations in the following months taking into account that the mediocentro prompt will be father and would like him have stability in Catalan floor.