Frenkie de Jong durante un partido con el FC Barcelona


Frenkie de Jong talks about his worst moment at Barça and reveals what his great goal is

Published:5/07/2024 - 17:23h

Updated:5/07/2024 - 17:23h

Barça brought to light an interview with Frenkie de Jong when he reached 200 games as a culé. The Dutchman remembered Bayern's 2-8 defeat as his worst moment at the club and confessed that he wanted to win the Champions League as a Barça player.

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Frenkie Of Jong works to recover the injury in the ankle that keeps him separated of the terrains of game from does several months. In the meantime, the FC Barcelona shared an interview made to the midfield player of 27 years with reason of his 200 parties like culé. The footballer did a balance of his stage in the club up to now and rememoró his worst moment dressing the Barcelona T-shirt.

In this sense, the Dutch considers that the 2-8 against the Bayern Munich is his more painful memory in the City Condal. "I think that it was the worst night of my career in Barcelona, perhaps even in the history of the Barça. I have not been present in all the parties and have not lived it of the same way because, like player, experienced it differently. It was the worst party of my career in the Barça up to now", ensured Frenkie, that recognised that it cost him sleep the following nights by the "bad feelings" that had each of time that thought in the defeat.

In a more positive plane, Of Jong pronounced on the 213 parties that has contested like Barcelona, a figure that situates him in the top 5 of Dutch with more meetings contested in the history of the club. The ex of the Ajax recognised to want to surpass the mark of Phillip Cocu, that with 292 duels is the leader of this classification.

"It has happened all very fast because you do not stop you to think how many parties carry, but is a reason of pride. Still it remains a lot, but it would like me be the Dutch with more parties in the history of the Barça. Surpass to Cocu would be genial. I think that still it remains me to arrive here, but of course would like me be the first", revealed the mediocampista.

His big aim in the club

The player appreciated to have been appointed like one of the captains of the staff, ensuring that "it was a moment of a lot of pride be appointed one of the captains of the Barça, but did not change too much my approach because I went on doing the same things. Have a bit more than responsibility in some areas, so I tried to take it and treat to help to the people".

Finally, it confessed his big pending account in the Catalan entity, manifesting his wish to raise the Champions League dressing the T-shirt blaugrana. "I won the League, the Supercopa and the Glass of Rey. I want to win them more followed and win the Champions League, of course", concluded Of Jong.

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