Gavi, Dembélé, De Jong... Xavi analyzes the stars of Barça
Xavi Hernández has appeared before the microphones of 'Universo Valdano' to talk about the players of the Barça first team and their performance throughout the season
The trainer of the FC Barcelona, Xavi Hernández, has appeared in an interview with Jorge Valdano in where it spoke of the maximum referents that has inside the team. Besides, also it stood out how it has been the season of each one of them and of the feelings that has of face to the future.
Dembélé And Lewandowski in the front of attack
It began speaking of Ousmane Dembélé and his capacity in the one against one further of his long stay in the infirmary culé. "It can be a 10 or a 2. And the aim is that every time it was more 10 that 2. It knows more than football that anybody. His potential is enormous. When a side confronts to Ousmane, sees to an uncle with a gun", affirmed the technician.
Also it mentioned to Robert Lewandowski, the one who in his first campaign with the Barça did with the title of 'Pichichi' and brought a winning mentality to the team. "It has been the big leader this season. It is very happy here. We are speaking of a world-wide figure. Robert has contributed us an instantaneous leadership. An absolute winner", aimed.
The medullary with Gavi and Of Jong
On the other hand, it put on the table the big campaign of Frenkie of Jong and what has contributed in his new role. "It is our more chaotic player inside the order. Has some impressive virtues. It is a player descomunal. We have found him his ideal position. Only it is missing him the last pass, dare more", sentenced Xavi.
Near to finalise, stood out the growth that has seen in Gavi and the big attitude that has in each party. "It puts him passion to everything. Has until a point of inconsciencia. When it goes through my side by the field, puts me the skin of hen, by how competes. It is a wonder, dominates the two legs, has a brutal personality", added the míster.
Ronald Araújo like future captain
Finally, it left on the table a possible captaincy of Ronald Araújo, one of the bastions that has the Barcelona in his defensive plot. "Sooner or later it goes to be captain of the Barcelona. It is a natural leader. It carries it inside. I already have said him that it touches him be captain", concluded.