Gavi, renewal and independence for the Sevillian
Published:15/09/2022 - 18:16h
Updated:15/09/2022 - 18:16h
To his 18 years and with his agreement with the first team of the FC Barcelona already signed, Gavi has begun his independent life. The footballer left the residence of The Masia does some weeks, although it still follows tied to her
Gavi Has been and is a referent for all the current footballers of The Masia. The mediocampista does less than a week still lived in the Barcelona residence and even still keeps his room assigned, afterwards d ehaber begun this course like one of the residents. By that moment still had 17 years, but was a fixed of the first team, something that many of his mates of house in the FC Barcelona want to imitate.
Now, already with 18 from the past 5 August, has mudado to a house that near to the Ciutat Esportiva Joan Gamper beside his father, but keeps the bond with the residence, aim 'Sportive World'. The Gavi, as they allow it to him his commitments with the Barça and Spain, raisin to greet and eat with his ancient mates of residence, which in his majority consider him a greater brother.
From the group culé explain that the educational team is especially content with the paper that has had the canterano since it arrived to the first team. Gavi Has known way a situation that to many had gone up them in command more than the account, although the '30' has worked to be supported by a humble profile and without ínfulas of greatness, aims the information.
Concentrated in keeping growing in his football, Gavi looks for to support to the smallest in The Masia understanding perfectly the what means to go far of house trying arrive to the first team of the Barça. The international with The Red has helped in all what has been able to. The club has tried to take care also that Gavi do not exceed in his material gifts, but keeps on being a person that is to listen the bad moments of the youngsters.
The another step for the independence
With his 18 already fulfilled years, Gavi still has slope the carnet to drive, something that the calendar is putting him complicated. With the Champions in a moment key, more the Nations League with Spain and the World-wide to less than two two months. The sportive priorities have to the player with this earring for resolving, but that surely will be able to do for end of year or in the beginning of the 2023.