Hansi Flick en un entrenamiento del Barça


'General' Flick! Barça's 'military' training before playing the summer Classic

Published:1/08/2024 - 14:32h

Updated:1/08/2024 - 14:32h

Barça is already in Baltimore to prepare for the last two games of the American tour. The team led by Hansi Flick trains at the US Naval Academy, facilities that will be the base camp until the end of the tour

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona gave him start to his turns by United States the past Wednesday by the morning in front of the Manchester City. The Barcelona square premièred in North American floor with a triumph in the batch of penaltis in front of the group of Pep Guardiola after equalising 2-2 during the 90 minutes of regular time. The debut was positive for the culés, that had the opportunity to see in action to several of the 'jewels' bigger of the quarry.

Once finalised the meeting in front of the 'citizens', the expedition blaugrana travelled from Orlando until Baltimore, where were received by several fans in the doors of the hotel where will concentrate the rest of the tour. Hansi Flick Was the big protagonist of the landing culé, stopping to sign autographs to the here present followers.

Few hours after establishing in the hotel, the Barça headed to the installations of the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, where made the first training of the day. In these settlements, the Catalans will have the base of work until finalising his go through American earths. The German trainer directed a session divided in two groups, with the headlines in front of the City making a session of recovery and the rest of the footballers on the lawn, where the rain did act of presence.

The cronograma of the Barça

Like this the things, the Barcelona group has scheduled to make two days of double session this Thursday and Friday in the installations of the US Naval Academy for the Saturday head to New York, where will carry out the Classical veraniego in front of the Real Madrid (01.00 hours), the morning of the Saturday 3 to the Sunday 4 August. Later, the Catalan expedition will return to Baltimore to culminate his trainings in turns it and contest the last friendly of the tour in front of the AC Milan (01.30 hours), the morning of the Tuesday 6 to the Wednesday 7 August.

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