Gerard Hammered, during a press conference with the FC Barcelona


Gerard Hammered cimentó the agreement FC Barcelona-Rakuten!

Published:16/11/2016 - 14:31h

Updated:16/11/2016 - 23:54h

The central of the FC Barcelona Gerard Hammered, thanks to the contacts and friendships that has in the digital world and of the world-wide technology, allowed that the president Josep Maria Bartomeu knew personally to Mikitani, leader of Rakuten

Calendar of FC Barcelona

If Gerard Hammered has left clear in more than an interview that would love him convert some day in president of the FC Barcelona, seems that it already is doing honours by means of actions very beneficial for the Barça.

And it is that the defender of the Barça, very adentrado in the world of the technology and with a big quantity of influences and important friendships, was the one who allowed that the president Josep Maria Bartomeu knew personally to the maximum mandator of Rakuten, Hiroshi Mikitani, seating like this the bases of the agreement that has turned into the Japanese company in new main sponsor of the club.

Of leftovers known is the friendship of Gerard Hammered with the creator of the social network Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, but what desconocía is that when seeming, as it recognised this same Wednesday Josep Maria Bartomeu, Hammered also keeps a good become friends with Mikitani, what gave access to the FC Barcelona to achieve a sponsor that will report big economic income to the entity annually.

Like this the things, and although in occasions Gerard Hammered have caused some controversial -the majority of them unfounded- for saying always what thinks, the reality is that the defender of the Barça is a person every time with more can and influences in the digital world, something that can come very well to the Barcelona in the present and future of the club.

I hammered for president? It will be necessary to expect even more of a polish so that the central Catalan hang the boots, but if it follows knowing to important people, recopilando influences and defending as it does always the interests of the Barça, is possible that some day achieve it.