Pep Guardiola y Xavi Hernández dialogando


Guardiola 'confirms' Xavi's words and reaffirms how difficult it is to train Barça

Published:30/01/2024 - 19:52h

Updated:30/01/2024 - 19:54h

Pep Guardiola, the former coach of FC Barcelona, ​​has supported Xavi Hernández after he made it clear how difficult being a Barça coach can become. In addition, he took the opportunity to reaffirm the comfort he feels in being the manager of Manchester City

Calendar of FC Barcelona

One of the main reasons by which Xavi Hernández probably have decided to put end to his cycle like trainer of the FC Barcelona, that is programmed for the next 30 June, goes further of the clear decrease in the sportive performance after a very successful season with two titles. At present, the team has lost the possibility to compete by the Glass of Rey and the Supercopa of Spain, and the situation in LaLiga is complicated, with the Champions League just around the corner. The main reason roots in the remarkable challenge that involves to be technical director of the Barça, further of the sportive.

In this sense, is not any secret that the trainer of Terrassa has had to bear numerous criticisms because of the current situation of the picture culé. He same has described this situation of the following way: "In general it does not value . This generates a wear that do what do will not value the sufficient. We have held all the pressure of the world. Never it will value the work that has done ", limited.

Pep Guardiola gives him the reason to Xavi Hernández

This approach seems to be widely backed by Pep Guardiola, the one who directed 247 commitments in the Barcelona picture and has had experiences in other benches, as the one of the Bayern Munich and the one of the Manchester City, where at present finds . With a statement, the native of Santpedor has left clear that the pressure to be preparador of the cast culé is a palpable reality. "We can not compare the pressure that have in England with the one of Spain, according to my experience. It is one thousand higher times and hard. For a trainer here is a good place for this. Of course that there are a lot of parties and six press conferences to the week, but the pressure that seat in the Barcelona is not comparable with the one of any club", concluded.

It is necessary to remember that at the end of his stage like trainer of the Barcelonan square, after four successful seasons in which it won 14 titles, Pep cleared that it had casting and no longer had more energy to continue in the club. In fact, it took a sabbatical year before returning to the European football like technical director, assuming the charge in the Bayern in the 2013.

This is a clear evidence of the wear and the pressure that comports to be trainer of the picture blaugrana, something that also reflects in the high rotation of technicians that there has been in the team in the last times. Perhaps it was a mirror in which it have to look the next trainer that assume the control of the club culé.

The one of Santpedor him 'closed' momentáneamente the door to the Barça?

In another order of ideas, also is important to mention the fact that the native of Santpedor has not showed any signal to want to leave Manchester, complicating like this the options of fraguar a possible return to the City Condal in a near time. "In the City have all what a trainer could dream. I have it everything. The hierarchy always supports me. We have changed a lot of players along seven years, but all they have showed an incredible support. There is a good environment, have it everything. Still I seat me well, although it is clear that this will finish some day, but do not think in this right now", sentenced.