After coinciding in the FC Barcelona, one like trainer and another like forward crashes, Pep Guardiola and Thierry Henry save a grandísima relation. Thus, in the interview that the French did him to the Catalan for the British chain "Sky Sports" could see to the technician of the Manchester City much more desinhibido of the habit.
It seemed more a talk between friends in which Pep spoke on his experiences in the benches of Barça, Bayern and the current "citizen". "I have tried to play of a way during my career, but here, when the opponent has the balloon, pushes you to your area and does not leave you do the party that want", began saying the míster.
And it is that play in the Premier is very different to what was accustomed: "Many times, the balloon is more time in the air that in the lawn and have to adapt you", concluded Guardiola that, as it revealed, asked council to Xabi Alonso to understand the second played that it did not have so controlled with the Barça.
The lived with the Barcelona "was exceptional"
"When it was in Munich spoke with Xabi Alonso and said me: "you Have to think in the second balloons", and I thought "yes, yes the second balloon...", but it is truth, have to think in the second balloon and in the third. Never before it had centred me in this. In Barcelona played like the culture of the club and in Germany was more physical, but no as much as here. Here all the teams are higher and stronger", sustained.
Finally, the feeling that remains him to the of Santpedor is that with what touches him lidiar now is the reality, no the excepcionalidad of the victory that lived in his time in Can Barça and in Munich. "I think that what am living now is what the rest of trainers live, the of before, in Barcelona and Munich, was exceptional", concluded.