The FC Barcelona has starred one of his more stood out performances of the season in front of the Athletic of Madrid, attaining a victory by 1-0 that costs more than alone three points. The Barça shined in the centre of the field, standing out the exceptional performance of Gündogan, the one who acted like director of orchestra in the show that lived in Montjuïc. The German recovered his best form, remembering his days in the Manchester City and causing estragos between the colchoneros. Beside Of Jong and Pedri, elevated the level of the midfield culé to new heights, and Ilkay showed why is one of the favourites of Xavi.

After several days with a discreet performance, the culés have recovered the smile, stepping advance after the victory against the Port wine. Gundogan, thanks to his experience, has erigido like one of the leaders so much in the personal as in the game, exerting a vital paper in the distribution of the game and the organisation of the team.

The numbers that has left in front of the rojiblancos are the own of an authentic crack. The German has been the player that more times has touched the balloon in all the meeting, with a total of 113 touch, what underlines his enormous influence in the distribution of the game. Besides, it created two clear opportunities, made three key passes, completed 5 of 6 long balloons of precise way and reached an impressive 88% of precision in his 100 passes. Also it won 4 of 6 duels and made 2 intercepciones, consolidating his stood out exert.

Gündogan Is engaged to 100% with the team

His beginning in the City Condal was not simple, since it incorporated to a team that crossed difficulties and did not attain to find his best form. Even, it generated some controversy with some statements after the classical, expressing the need of elder delivers by part of the team in one of the lowest moments of the season for the Barcelona.

Nevertheless, the '22' always has manifested his commitment with the club and his happiness to be under the orders of Xavi. "I did not have any doubt neither a second, no me arrepiento at all of my election. We are very happy and expect to remain here during a lot of years more. I came here to show my cost, play an incredible football and, with luck, win a lot of titles" declared in the previous of the party in front of the Madrilenian. Now, Ilkay has showed why is between the best in his position, and if it keeps this level of game, will be a crucial element for the performance of the Barcelona in the competition by titles.