Hansi Flick entrenamiento2


Hansi Flick brings out his 'military' side with the FC Barcelona dressing room

Published:24/07/2024 - 15:33h

Updated:24/07/2024 - 15:34h

Hansi Flick is clear that group discipline should not be a negotiable issue, but rather a key point for the team to reach a position of success. Therefore, the German coach does not intend to neglect this aspect at all

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Little by little, Hansi Flick, the new trainer of the FC Barcelona, begins to give signals on the key appearances that will be fundamental to carry to the Barcelona sportive project of return to his days of glory and situate it once again like one of the best clubs of the world. One of these facets, as it was to expect coming of the designated 'German school', involves to do a special emphasis in the discipline, an area in which the trainer of Baden-Wurtemberg has the very clear ideas.

In his more recent interview spread in the official platform of contents of the club culé, Barça One, the míster germano did not doubt in standing out the importance that he awards to the correct fulfillment of the norms and to the disciplinary code of the club. "The discipline is absolutely necessary. It is very important to arrive to time, because if a player arrives late, the rest of the team will expect. It is a lack of respect for all the group", commented.

In spite of showing some aversion to the fines by incumplimiento of norms, mentioning: "I am not a big adherent of the economic sanctions, are adults and intelligent to know how works", so much he like his technical body, in spite of his image of vicinity, good communication, affability and connection with the staff, will not hesitate in tackling any attitude that consider hurtful for the group, even if it treats of details apparently 'insignificant' as arrive afternoon or just in time to a training.

Already Flick did his first 'touch' of attention to disciplinary level

In fact, as it informed in 'SPORT', during the pre-season 2024/25 already have presented some episodes in which Hansi Flick has had to remember the importance to fulfil the norms established. In a session of training, some player brushed the schedule of arrival and the germano did not lose the opportunity to send a warning in presence of his mates, marking like this his position regarding the requirement, which does not limit only to the sportive field, but it also covers questions of attitude.

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