Harry Kane in a match of Tottenham in the Premier League


Vase of cold water of Harry Kane to the Barça: it Wants to be still in England

Published:22/05/2021 - 10:09h

Updated:22/05/2021 - 10:09h

The captain of the selection of England, that wishes to go out of the Tottenham, descarta play in a near future in any of the leagues or tournaments of Europe

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Harry Kane descartó the possibility to play abroad if finally it leaves the Tottenham once finish this season. Although still they remain him 3 years more than agreement with the square of the Spurs, the captain of the English selection recognised that it wants other airs.

"Of course that exists the option to go to the foreigner some day, but do not think that this interest me in the near future", manifested Kane, the one who at present has 27 years and in this course carries 22 goals. By what heads empatado with Mohamed Salah the classification of maxima goleadores of the Premier when only it is missing a day to finish the tournament which already has to the Manchester City as winning.

Kane dreams with beating the record of goals in the referred English competition that still keeps Alan Shearer (260). To date, the star of the Tottenham carries 165. "Mentiría If it said that I do not want this record. If I arrive at the end of my career and have not beaten it, neither the one of Wayne Rooney with England (53) probably will feel me disappointed with me same", said Kane, the one who with his selection carries 34 goals.

In case that it do not go to the foreigner, the Manchester City of Pep Guardiola appears like the team with more probabilities of fichar Harry Kane, the one who thinks that the 'citizen' Kevin of Bruyne is the player that more could help him to beat the mentioned record. Kane also wants to attain these titles that has not achieved in the Tottenham, with which carries 220 'targets' in all the competitions.

Exit complicated

By his part, the 'spurs' do not seem to have intentions to facilitate him the exit. Even it has arrived to affirm that his trainer, Ryan Mason, not even is conscious that Kane really wants to go. Besides, Daniel Levy, the owner of the club londinense, did not leave that it go to the not being that it arrive an offer that surpass the 150 million pounds, something that will not be at all simple that suceda, since this in euros are more than 170 millions.

The greater problem, is that the pandemia has done mella in the accounts of a lot of teams. This also includes to the very rich as they can be the Manchester United, the Manchester City or Chelsea, that will be those who bid by Kane. Precisely by this, will be complicated that any one of the three decide to put on of the table of the Tottenham the 174 'kilos' to the explained that asks his president by the 'crack'.

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